A Bad boy always needs a Baby boy; 10

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No one's P

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No one's P.o.v;

As Peter and Aunt May reenter the room Valentino snaps out of his thoughts and smiles once he sees' his puppy. His mind banks when Peter smiles back at him, his smile growing 2 times bigger as he watches Peter blush.

May watches the silent interaction between the two watching as Peter blushes at the taller boy, and how the others' smile keeps growing. She takes notes on how the sparkle in Peter's eyes grew and how a sparkle appears in Valentinos eyes' had appeared.

"H-h-hi," Peter said blushing as he tried to hide his face when approaching the male.

"Hi," Valentino said as he grabbed the approaching boy bringing him on his lap.

As Valentino places Peter on his lap, Peters' blush intensifies and a silly smile plasters its self on his face. Valentino stares down at the boy on his lap lifting his crushes face up to meet him eye to eye.

"You're so beautiful" Valentino states his gaze still on the boy in front of him.

"S-stop," Peter stutters trying not to embarrass himself in front of the male as he tries to him his blushed face in his hands.

At this point, Aunt May was grabbing her stuff while smiling at the thought of the two boys together. She obviously thought of them as a cute couple as long as Valentino didn't hurt her baby, thankfully she knew he would never hurt her nephew.

*Door closing sound* 

Both boys were startled at the sound of the old door closing, one soon realising his Aunt had witnessed the whole scene was overly embarrassed as the other laughed.

After Valentino stopped his laughing fit as he looked down at what he thought was his adorable puppy saw a crying boy.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Valentino said while gathering the boy in his arms trying to find a solution to Peters' crying.

"Why *hiccup* would you *hiccup* laugh," Peter said as his crying had stopped only hiccups, sniffles and wet cheeks to show his dismay.

"Because I'm not and never will be embarrassed with you in my arms. Hell, I would shout it from the rooftops and let everybody know that I really REALLY like you, Peter" Valentino replied not even batting an eyelash while staring at the boy.

Peters' heart was racing once he realised that his crush liked him. 

Valentinos' heart had skipped a beat once realising his admission.

"you like me?" Peter asked whilst pointing at himself with what Valentino would describe the cutest look he had ever seen on somebodies face.

"Yes, I really like you Peter" Valentino replied smiling at the boy 

"I-i like you too," Peter said hiding his face in the other's neck trying t cover his blushing face.

At that moment the boys knew their lives where complete they were happy. Without knowing it Peter had made Valentinos' life worth it, he had made the bad boy he over heels, he made melted his hard and sometimes cocky exterior down, showing his true colours. 

Peter made Valentino the happiest person that day little did Peter know was that Valentino would have always loved Peter throughout it all he loved his blush, his smile, him. Valentino hated himself and he truly never knew what love felt like being given it or possessing it himself. 

Although people would ask what about his family or his friends, sister even. Valentino felt the family love from well his family yet he was never able to express it. His 'friends' weren't really his friends most people would just use him fro popularity unlike Lizhe was always used by different people never really able to hold onto someone long enough for them not to leave.

Peter was the first person Valentino loved well he still loves him, he is the first person Valentino could be himself around if they weren't family or felt like family.

Peter was always self-conscious he though the looks he would get from others when they would look at his body was disgust, he was a visual representation of beauty. People would just pass him by or they would use him for his body. Not saying that he would have a sexual relationship with anyone more like using him to feel or touch or to fill a gap in time.

Peter only felt comfort in his best friend Ned and his Aunt May, he never thought that the guy he loved would ever love or even like him back. He would always belittle himself not truly realising his beauty never really taking a second to look in the mirror.

Peter felt loved when he was with Valentino he would become ass mushy when thinking about the taller boy.

The boys were content with each other.

they needed each other.

They had each other.

A Bad boy always needs a Baby boy.

A Bad boy always needs a Baby boy

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Yeah I think that's a good ending hopefully you liked it, it's taken me a while to decide when to end this book and I want to end it instead of discontinuing it because idk just yeah.

for anyone that read my last chapter about my Depression and Anxiety scare, my anxiety has gone down for the moment and I'm taking Prozac for it.

hopefully, you like the book and thank you to anyone who saved this book.

-Yo writer person ye

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