Chapter Three

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The next morning I am awakened by a persistent knocking on my door. 

"Emily, get up, get ready!" My mum yells at me. I groan in reply, which she obviously hears as the knocking stops. I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling for a few minutes, not ready to face the reality of what today brings. 

I pick up my phone off my nightstand and see that it is only 6 o'clock, why the heck do we have to leave this early. I send a text to Zoe 'Todays the day :('. I then drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom to have a quick shower. Afterward I put on some tights, a long loose top and boots. 

I grab my suitcase and start piling clothes into it, mostly the new ones from yesterday but a few old things as well. I then pack a backpack with my laptop, chargers and a few snacks.

"Hurry up! You have five minutes before I want you in the car ready to go!" My dad screams up the stairs at me. I put the backpack on and drag my suitcase towards the door, having one last glance at my room I close the door and walk slowly down the stairs and towards the car.

My parents are already waiting in the car when I get to it, my sister is also sitting in the backseat. Putting my suitcase into the trunk I settle into the remaining seat. I put my headphones in, pressing shuffle and settling down for the long journey ahead.


Somewhere along the journey I must have fallen asleep as when I open my eyes I see a massive brick building in front of me.

"Oh good, you awake" My sister says smiling at me and she stops shaking me.

I get out of the car and stand next to my parents who are talking to a lady with slightly grey hair ad wearing a pantsuit. The lady looks at me. Keeping her lips pressed in a straight line she holds out her hand for me to shake. I do so but let go quickly, I don't want her to think I actually want to be here, then she will expect me to make an effort. 

The lady and my parents finish talking and my parents turn to me. "You better behave while your here, then maybe we will consider bringing you home" my father says frowning at me. My parents both say a quick goodbye, they dont hug me and get into the car. I turn toward my sister and pull her into a hug. Even though our parents think everything she does is than anything I do, I don't despise her for it, it's not her fault anyway.

"Bye, I'll miss you" she says as she hugs me back tightly. When she lets go she hops into the car without another word.

"Follow me" the lady whom I presume is the headmistress says. I take my suitcase out of the trunk and follow her into the building. She leads me into an office and tells me to take a seat in one of the uncomfortable looking chairs while she goes to the other side of the desk.

"Well, welcome to Eastwood high." She hands me a rule book and a map of the school. Definitely not going to be reading the rulebook. If they kick me out it's no skin off my nose, I just want to go back to my old school with my old friends. "Now, you don't have any classes today so that you can settle in a little bit, but I will ask you to hand over any electronic devices you bought will you. Your parents informed me that you bought your phone and probably a laptop?"

"What the heck, I'm not giving you my phone!" I say voicing my thoughts. I need my phone so I can contact people from home.  The stare she gives me changes my mind however, and I reluctantly relinquish my phone and laptop to her. "How do you expect me to contact my friends and family now?" I ask, hoping that they at least have a phone system I can use to explain this all to Zoe.

"You won't be contacting anyone from your hometown. We find students focus best without the distractions of things outside this school." As she tells me this I begin to feel like this is more of a prison than a school and I raise my eyebrows at her, but dont say anything. I'll just have to find a way to contact everyone as soon as I can.

She ushers me out of her office and when the girl sitting outside see's me she stands and reaches out to shake my hand.

"You must be Emily!" She says cheerfully, how anyone can be cheerful her is beyond me. "I'm Charlie, I'm going to be showing you around. We call it a buddy system, so if you ever need help you can come to me."

"Thank you Charlie, your such a model student" the headmistress says before closing her office door. I scoff and Charlie's smile fades as she frowns at me but she quickly starts smiling again.

"Okay, let's go to your room first!" Her positive attitude back in full swing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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