Day Sixteen

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The next morning, Hailey's mother made a declaration that she had enjoyed her dream and would like to continue receiving them. It brought a small smile to Cor's face, matching hers.

But the night of Sarah's parents would be challenging. He had never given more than one dream in a night. He also needed to have two dreams. He knew that he had multiple dreams a night—that was obvious by the dreams the Machine had processed—but he didn't know how to transfer the ones he didn't remember. Could he give them different dreams? Should he give them the same dream? Would one of the older ones work? How many did he have left? He couldn't remember all of them; he remembered the contentment dream and the talking dream. Would they work? Maybe he should give them new dreams? But to do that he needed to have two dreams tonight. And he needed to remember both of them. If he didn't two more people would be against him and dreams. He didn't want that. He needed them to understand how wonderful dreams were and the amazing experience of having one.

He needed two dreams.     

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