Love Yourself

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You Need:
1) A bunch of brightly coloured flowers

) Five white tealight candles
3) A tall mirror

What To Do:

Find a time when you can do this spell without interruptions. Put candles in a circle in front of the mirror. Then lay the flowers around the candles but also big enough for you to sit in. You should be facing the mirror.

The mirror should be outside of the circle in a way that you can see yourself. Sit criss-cross within the circle and slowly light all five candles.

Look at yourself in the mirror. See your inner beauty.

Repeat the following chant five times:

I am beautiful, no matter what anyone says.
I am filled with love for myself in every single way.


This spell is to up your confidence, you may have to try it a few times. Don't give up if you don't see instant results, I personally didn't when I first did this spell but it soon did work. Heh, guess I should use it again.
Anyways, remember you are beautiful, wonderful, and amazing all around; inside and out.

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