Living in the alley chapter 3

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Please tell me any constructive criticisms you have! My English teacher read it and she said she could see it on the shelves but I'm not sure?!

Chapter 3 My Sister

She complains about everything, and when I say everything I mean everything. She moans saying that it’s too cold then when we turn the thermostat up a tiny bit then she complains saying it’s too hot. She complains about my room (So does Mum). She complains about her life at school. She is the most popular girl in school for Pete’s sake. Everyone loves her! People say that she is a Role model. I’d rather eat my own poop than be like her. That is the last thing I want to do while I’m alive! I mean it! Eugghh, Gross!

She is the fussiest eater ever. She wants to be a model. The only thing she eats is salad. I like everything but Salad, I like pizza, chips, McDonalds that sort of thing. Yummy. My mouth is watering and my tummy is rumbling just thinking about it. Ahhh how could I have missed Donuts. I am a bit of a Homer Simpson to be honest (Minus the beer). I am only 14 remember. Me drinking Duff, Ha. I tried beer once, I puked.

Back to my sister, sorry I got a bit carried away there. As I said Bethany wants to be a Model. Haha I’m laughing even thinking about it. Bethany A Model. The day that happens I’ll Cry. And I never cry. It’s the Truth. You know that oath they say something like “The truth and nothing but the truth” or whatever.  Bethany is Fat. Let’s face it she will never fit into a size zero! You have to be mean to be kind People always say. But I’m not being kind I’m being mean. It’s true. She is huge. She can be an actress instead of a model. She can be a female version of Augustus Gloop. Haha. or the boy that loves Cake in Matilda. What was his name? Oh Yeah Bruce Bogtrotter. She would be good at that. She would be famous! I would be the Amazing sister that made her Famous. I’ll go tell her my Idea.

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