Jeff the killer is real

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Hi I'm Anna and this is a creepy pasta story I made up but this is more realistic. it is based on true characters just not the creepy pasta ones. in the story there just a gang if kids that are around 12 to 14 and they have just stolen the made up characters. There is jeff, ben, masky and hoodie, Ej, lj, sally and you.there is 😜😍😣😒😳😄😊😚😤😰😭😆😏😵😲😈👌👍👏💏💑👫💇🙍🙇💅👗💘💌💋🌍🐶🍬🍭🏰🌇🌆⛺️🏡🏥🏦⛪️🌃🎠🎡✈️🚊🚖🚍🇬🇧🇯🇵🇺🇸🎪🎭🚻🛂🛄🛃🆚💲💝📹💻📱⌛️💉🔫🔪💣💰📘🎮📰🎬🃏🎯🏁🍴🍰 of that in the story, you'll get it soon.

Back to the real shit... the story

I am a 12 year old girl who has long brown hair and brown eyes with freckles across my nose. I'm skinny but not just skin and bones I do eat. I go to a drugo public high school even though I'm younger. I hate my family and myself and my life is just an act.

For me life isn't as great as others. I'm suisidle. It's hard to explain but it's true. I live in a drugo town and go to a drugo school were kids in year 10 have babies. Im not popular like those skinny girls but I of have caring friends. I usaly get in trubble with my mates but what else would I talk about when I'm old.

I'm really just an ordinary girl and being suididle isn't Uncommon in my school. One in five people are at my school and I've only told by friend Chole and she is too. I'm into rock and punk and fav colour is blood red. I secretly like creepypasta and I love food, but not fat. I'm always trying to look good but pretty lazy. friends say I'm pretty but I think not. It was the morning and I was walking to the golf corse with my friend Chole. it's not the schools and were not allowed there but I do. we walk to the broken gate were we go to the path but we see a sign blocking it. " murder zone keep out" it read and so of course we would go in. we walk along the path and get to the end to the golf course. no one was there so we thought I was a fake sign. we muck around relizing we had to go to class and we start to head back then I notice something. there was blood dripping from the tree. " Chole is that real blood?" I ask and show her it. " yea it's coming from" she says and looks up in horror. I person was hung by top, stabbed 4 times and a slat of blood hit my head. " we should go and tell the teacher" Chole said panicking. " no I want to see something." I say and she just stared at me shocked. she points be hind me and I turn around. he was standing right behind me and grab me to a choke hold. I Panic and yelled but nothing came out. Chole ran but the boy throw a knife at her back. I break free and run up to her. I cryed, blood was everywhere and all over me. I help her so she faces up and she looks at me helplessly. " chole...." I say trembling of crying. " Don't die, what about our killing plan we were going to do." i say holding her head crying. " promis you will kill people and you will stick to the plan" she says trying to breath. I nod in agreement and she closes her eyes. I let out a cry and tremble to the ground.then the killer draggs me a neater away from her. I turn around and to see he was there, and I was shocked to see his face. It was jeff the killer, I thought he was a myth. he had carved a smile in him and had no eye lids. a white hoodie with blood all over it and pale skin and black hair. he gets me on my two feet and checks me out. " Your not bad for a pretty girl with blood all over her" he says around me intimidating me a little. " Now back to my plan.... go to sleep." he wispers loudly. he gets another knife out but I punch him in the eye and he moves back."another stupid high school chick." he mumble aggressively. I look at him crying. my eye make up was running down my face making me look like I had panda eyes. " I'm not stupid" I tremble saying and grabs me up so I stand. " what makes you not stupid" he laughs. it was making me sick seeing his face. I still was shocked that it was jeff the killer. " I wouldn't be so stupid if I knew how to kill not getting caught" I say trying to be brave but fail. " oh really, if you can kill prove it, try to kill me." he laughs. he passes me his knife I was a little confused why he gave it to me. I drop it. " Even people like you shouldn't die, only the ones that want to die" I say a little braver now and standing up straighter wiping warm tears away. " first one that wouldn't what to kill me..." He mumbles. he walks closer and I back off fast. he gabbed the knife and laughs. " please don't kill me" I say crying. " ok how about this, bloody beauty, be at the carnival this weekend alone, if you don't come I will kill your family and torture you for a year" he laugh evilly. I was so frighten I couldn't speak a word. " why..." I finally say still whimpering and crying about chole. "Because if you don't come with me I will do what I said before to you and your family" he laughs in a scary way that would make a bitch cry. I nod in agreement shaking of what he will do to me there. The walks off then turns around and says Nearly whispering " and tell anyone, you'll regret it" then runs off

That night the police were at my house. I was taken to the police station alone for a hour to ask questions. I was in a room with only a table and 2 chairs. it was a big room and a window peering down on me to record what I say. there was a door that was locked and I was in here alone, waiting for someone. I was looking around and swinging my legs back and forth. I was really scared but I didn't dare to show or they would know I would be lying. finally after waiting a fat police officer walked in and sat across me on the wood seat. " now you are not in trouble Anna we just need answers to solve the murder." he says calmly but sharply to me. " ok first, what happen before she was murderd, we only know that you were in the golf course." he said looking straight in my eyes seriously. " ok well we're not allowed there but we still go a lot in the mornings before the school." I say and pause. " we went in then and we saw a dead body hanging above us dripping blood. then she ran and someone through a knife at her back" I say calmly. it was silent for 15 seconds. " ok who killed them, what did the person look like?" he ask. I look at the window to see a lot of people look at me recording what I say. " it was a man, about 40 in a white hoodie and black pants. I didn't see his face but I saw he had a gold ring on his left hand, fourth finger." I lie. " where did he run after the kill and do you know why he didn't hurt you" he says and I pause for along moment. " he ran to where the road was and he didn't kill me cause... he said he would kill me in a month when it's easier." I lie, but I usually lie a lot if I'm ok. they finish up and when I walked out the building media were surrounding me like flys and meat. they ask questions and took pics. I finally got in the police car and he drove me home.

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