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This chapter is dedicated to SiriuslyPawsome and siriusly_dogfather

i just love their usernames!!

Previously on Prongslet

"come on Prongslet it's my turn to cuddle you," Sirius said taking Harry from Remus. Harry hugged Sirius and then Harry said: "are you serious?" When Remus handed him food

"1. I'm Sirius, 2. Yes the food is for you, you haven't eaten anything all day"

Harry giggled at the pun and began eating


Harry was soon taken to Grimmauld Palace and as soon as they got there Remus immediately said "Bed cub, now"

"Uncle Moony" Harry whined "I just came back from the hospital wing, I don't want to go to bed now"

"come on now Moony" Sirius pleaded and then mouthed 'he called you uncle'

Remus was so pleased that Harry called him uncle that he said "2 hours, then it will be 11 and you will go to bed"

Harry nodded happily and then ran over to Remus and hugged his knees. Then he went to Sirius who was sitting down and cuddled with him. "Thank you Uncle Padfoot" Harry whispered. Sirius was startled but said "anytime kid"

They then went to into the living room and turned on the T.V. They opened Netflix and let Harry choose what he wanted to watch

(ik they didn't have Netflix but let's pretend they did)

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," He said excitedly

"what in hippogriffin merlin is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle," Sirius asked confusedly

"its a kids show Padfoot" Remus said exasperatedly

Sirius just muttered something around 'stupid muggles with their ridiculous names'

"What was that Padfoot? Muggles have stupid names? We went to Hogwarts and were in the house Gryffindor, heck you name is Sirius" Remus countered

Sirius mumbled again which sounded like 'Too smart for his own good'

"at least I'm smart" Remus retorted

"ok, do you have supersense?" Sirius asked

"Its called listening" Remus finished with a smirk

Sirius rolled his eyes and saw Harry trying not to giggle

"pup, you know that Remus is too smart for his own good right?" Sirius said

Remus rolled his eyes and said "I thought we were watching a show"

Harry forgot about answering Sirius and sat on the sofa as the Theme song started playing

(a/n the new one tales of the teenage mutant ninja turtles is soo bad, I liked the old one)

As soon as Harry watched 1 episode he fell asleep and Remus carried him to bed and rocked him. After an hour of rocking, Remus put Harry into his bed.

The next morning

Harry woke up and remembered last night, his face lit up when he remembered his parents talked to him and that they also talked to Sirius and Remus. He smiled as he remembered the day they had last night. He remained in his room thinking about it for 15 minutes before he noticed that Remus had entered his room and was snapping his fingers in front of his face.

Harry smiled when he saw Remus and let Remus pick him up and take him downstairs. As they were going downstairs Remus told Harry "There is a situation with Sirius and I beg you to help me"

Harry nodded wondering what on Earth Sirius had done now. As soon as Harry entered the kitchen he Sirius singing "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE, TURTLES IN A HALF SHELL, TURTLE POWER"

"Padfoot" Harry groaned exasperatedly,

(a/n Harry sometimes calls them uncle and sometimes he doesn't, it depends on his/my mood)

"Puppy, your here" Sirius said gleefully

"puppy?" Harry asked

"new nickname" Sirius answered shortly

Harry just sighed, he noticed that Remus left for the bathroom and as soon as Sirius noticed that he leaned towards Harry and whispered: "You wanna annoy Moony with me?"

Harry giggled and nodded and then Sirius replied with "Sing the theme song with me when he enters"

Harry just giggled and nodded again.

As soon as Remus entered the room he heard Harry and Sirius singing "HERE WE GO, ITS THE LEAN GREEN NINJA TEAM. ON THE SCENE COOL TEENS DOING NINJA THINGS"

Remus groaned loudly and said "I can't believe I'm living with 2 kids"

That stopped Sirius immediately and he stuck his tongue out

"I rest my case," Remus said exasperatedly

Harry giggled again and Remus smiled at him. Then they had breakfast and played a couple of board games.

2 Hours Later

Ron came by looking glum

"What's wrong mate?" Harry asked

"Its Scabbers I can't find him anywhere," Ron said sadly

"Don't worry Ron I'll help you look for him, just let me ask Sirius and Remus" Harry replied

Sirius and Remus let Harry go to the Burrow to help Ron so Harry flooed to the Burrow. He said a quick hello to Mrs. Weasley and then went outside and started looking.

They looked for 2 hours but still hadn't found him. They returned to the burrow sadly. Harry was staying for dinner at the Burrow after he was done eating he had to go home. He stepped into the Floo and screamed when he saw something

"RON I FOUND SCABBERS" Harry yelled. Ron came running to him and smiled gleefully

Later that Night

Harry was fast asleep in bed. Remus left the room after smiling at sleeping Harry. Harry's dream was really peculiar that night. It started with Scabbers turning into a man and he was after Harry, Then the man turned around to speak to Harry

"Hello there Harry, we meet again," Wormtail said smiling

a/n DUN DUN DUN, hell yea im back on cliffhangers!!! Sorry. Yea I posted again today 3 chapters in 2 days ur welcome. Anyways I feel like this story may be coming to an end soon but I am working on a hp fan fix where Harry's parents come back to life so yea. Thnx for reading cant believe we r almost to 600 votes and 4k reads ily sooooo much. C u on Sunday.


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