Chappie 8

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Paige POV

I slowly stood up as I watched Mr. Williams chase Elani out if the room. I looked back and fourth between Lily and Amanda.

"Do you think-" I said.

"Come on" Amanda said interrupting me

We ran down the hallway.

"Aight let's spilt up!" I said "we can cover more ground."

"Ok" Amanda

"Aight but how are we gonna know who finds them first?" Lily asked.

"We all take a floor when someone finishes their floor they come back here until the other person gets back then they both go to the floor the third person took."

"Ok." Amanda said

So we went off I took the top floor. Lily took the middle. And Amanda took the basement.

Elani POV

I ran downstairs and down the hall. I wasn't gonna let him catch me. I had been running for a while and by now it was just me too scared to stop. I knew that if I were to turn around I would slow down but something was telling me to turn around so I did. Mr. Williams reached his arms out to grab me and I ducked behind him and ran back upstairs. Now it was my instinct telling me where to run. I ran up the steps and I felt someone grab my arm.

"No!" I screamed. "Leave me alone!" I started punching the arm that was holding me. "Get off of me!" I yelled.

Bobby POV

I tripped and watched Elani run away. I didn't care I had to find the rest of the class.

Amanda POV

"ELANI! STOP! CALM DOWN! ITS ME !" I screamed as Elani tried to release herself from my grasp. Elani slowly stopped punching me and I let her go. I grabbed her shoulders. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said after taking a few deep breaths. I could tell she was scared.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said

Lily POV

"You find her yet?" I asked Paige as I met her at the stairs.

"Nah she wasn't up there. You?"

"Nah Amanda must've found her." I said.

Just then Amanda came marching up the stairs. My heart dropped down south when I didn't see Elani. Amanda stopped walking and turned around. "Come on he's not up here." she said to someone. Elani came out from behind the door. Paige and I rushed towards her.

"Are you okay?" I said inspecting the frazzled Elani.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Did he do anything to you?" Paige asked.

"Nah he just chased me." Elani said.

"Where's Ms. Johnson?" Amanda asked. "We need to get out of here."

"She's in her classroom." Paige said.

And we went upstairs.

The Story of: BobbyWhere stories live. Discover now