Chapter Fourteen

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Chilled by the same nightmare that was becoming more and more horrific the longer I spent here, I hurried down the hallway. This time, no bird hovered just in front of my face to show me my path, and this time, I was not set out to find Thomas.

Why was this castle so overwhelmingly huge? I was pretty sure I was lost.

But I kept walking down the hallway at a faster pace than usual that might have been a little bit due to my panic.

It was silent in the castle at night. So silent that it was lonely. It was also completely absent of light, like I was a lone island in an ocean of darkness. Needless to say, I didn't feel very positive about this place without Thomas next to me.

I turned down a hallway and was greeted by a single beam of light streaming through a window and touching the carpet. Slowing my pace, I approached the window and took a hold of one of the curtains, a thin light blue silk framing the scene outside that almost appeared to be like a painting.

I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, staring up at the silver crescent moon that hung up far above in the sky.

I wonder if this is the same moon I see from Earth? Or, is it one completely different, similar to how Perriterra is completely different from the world I had previously known to be home?

A sudden voice startled me out of my thoughts, making me jump. "What are you doing?" Although it was soft and rather quiet, it was a stark contrast to the lack of noise around me, and it cut through the air like a knife through butter.

"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed when she saw my surprise. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

"I wasn't scared," I said, forcing down my embarrassment. "Just surprised. That's all."

She gave me a disbelief, but she didn't say anything more on the subject.

"Elizabeth, right?"

She looked confused for a few seconds, as if she didn't know who I was talking about. For a moment, I panicked, thinking I fucked something up. But realization soon passed through her gaze and she nodded. "Yep. Elizabeth. That's me. Anyway, what are you doing?"

"Well, I was actually trying to find you, and then I got lost."

Her entire face lit up. "You were?"

I nodded and felt a little warmed inside at the massive grin that took hold of her mouth.

"Mind if I ask why?"

"Thomas says you're extremely skilled when it comes to reading minds, or something like that?"

Her eyes darted away, refusing to meet mine. "Well, I mean, I'm not the best there ever was but I wouldn't mind helping with something if you need help." Her words came out rushed, so garbled that it took me a moment to understand what she had said.

"That would be great," I said, trying my best at a reassuring tone.

Her gaze met mine once more, and I could feel her eyes pouring over me, as if trying to unlock something hidden deep inside. "Well, follow me."

Without another word, she led me down the same way I had come and through the maze of hallways and staircases. I wonder if I'll ever get used to this place, or if this castle will forever be nothing more than an foreign building in an alien world. I stared at the intricate patterns in the carpet to amuse myself as we walked through the halls.

Finally, she stopped outside a door and opened it. Elizabeth stepped aside to let me pass. I thanked her and went inside.

I was hit by the sweet and almost homely scent of vanilla almost immediately. It wasn't overpowering, but rather welcome. A fire crackled in a hearth that had been placed against the left wall.

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