Chapter Nineteen

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My feet were kicked up on the desk as I leaned back in the chair, rambling on about something I found interesting while scratching away at the piece of paper in front of me with the pen I had brought from Earth.

My room had been completely transformed into an indoor roost with the companionship of Thomas, who was laying on my bed, reading one of his books. The flutter of wings and the constant bird chatter was ceaseless, and the bats and insects that Thomas apparently took under his wing (hah, wing, get it?) as well added to the general cacophony.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it though.

Butterflies of all colors and shapes did not seem to want to leave me alone. Even if I moved rapidly and suddenly, they would always return to their usual perch on my body. They adorned me like ornaments on a Christmas tree; bright, colorful, and full of cheer.

Despite the general chaos of the room, it was paradoxically peaceful and welcoming. If I closed my eyes, I could imagine myself sitting in a rainforest surrounded by nothing but plants and listening to nothing but bird calls.

I hummed to myself, but was quickly cut short by a familiar flash of gray landed on my desk with a pronounced thump. The bird rose to her feet and glanced around, and if a bird could look embarrassed, than Belletra sure did.

"Hey sweet little thing," I cooed affectionately, holding out my finger for the bird.

In a display of superiority and grace, the tiny creature puffed out her chest and marched over to my hand like a princess on her way to her coronation. She settled down on my finger, and I lifted her up to my face.

"What's going on?"

The bird chirped, and gained a look of frustration when I shook my head in incomprehension. She made a show of spreading her wings and flying up to my hair, where she landed on my head and scared away all the delicate butterflies.

I set down the pen and stood up from the chair, stretching out all the stiff joints that accompanied sitting down and hunching over for too long. Belletra flew away, joining the crowd of other bird with a similar coloration as her resting over by where Thomas was.

"Wanna go for a walk, Thomas?" I called, glancing over to the bed where Thomas had been sitting on prior.

Birds, including Belletra, were perched on the wooden bed frame, and a swarm of butterflies hovered around where Thomas was supposed to be, but there was no answer to my question. And more importantly, I didn't see him.

"Thomas?" I asked, trying to force down the suddenly nervous tone creeping up to my voice.

One of the birds chirped, but Thomas said nothing.

For a moment, I panicked. I'm not sure why I was thinking it, but I was absolutely sure something bad had happened to him while I wasn't paying attention. I rushed over to my bed, hands reaching for one of the basic swords that was stored by the shelf.

But I relaxed and let my hand fall to my side when I saw Thomas laying on the bed serenely. His wings were folded around his body like a protective shell. One hand was resting against the soft pillow, and the other was placed against his shoulder and underneath his neck. His eyes were closed, and his lips had parted slightly. His chest rose and fell slowly. The book he was reading had been dropped and was currently laying on the bed next to him.

I picked it up, marked the page he had been on with one of the many discarded feathers that littered the room, and tucked the book away on the nearby shelf. Smiling at the sleeping boy, I sat down on the free space next to him. I took the hand placed against the pillow in mine and gently rubbed at his warm skin.

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