Chapter Twenty Three

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I stared at the hedges for a moment before releasing a sigh and pushing myself to my feet. I wrapped my arms around my body to warm myself up and looked down each of the pathways. Making an executive decision, I placed my right hand on the hedge and walked forwards in the direction I had landed.

Simple trick I picked up while on Earth: if you place your hand on the right wall and keep walking no matter what, you'll eventually reach the exit.

It didn't occur to me that this was a magical maze that probably didn't follow the rules of physics or logic.

I listened for any sort of noise, especially that of birdsong. My hopes were that if I heard birds and followed the noise, maybe I'd be able to find Thomas. A bird led me to him once before, why should this time be any different? But even the sound of hedges rustling would be enough for me.

I longed for company, terrified how the only noise that filled the still night air was my feet stepping on the gravel pathway. I kept walking, keeping my head down and my hand brushing against the sharp leaves pricking my skin.

I tried to fight back the panic and keep a clear mind, but as the minutes where nothing happened slowly trickled away into hours, the fear started to take hold. I kept myself occupied by softly singing Michael In The Bathroom to myself over and over again until I got bored of that and moved onto Apex Predator. I just had to keep myself calm.

I felt like I was losing my mind.

"Will she braid your hair? Will she eat your heart? How can you outsmaaaart—" I mumbled to myself, the lyrics hardly audible. I stopped in my tracks to stare up at the sky. The clouds were heavier, looking more like a thick smog had covered the sky rather than a cluster of clouds. I sighed and kept walking.

It had been a while before I heard a faint rustle in the bushes. I stopped in my tracks, adrenaline racing through my body. A knife was tucked away in my coat, hanging at my side heavily. I pulled it out and ducked down by a nearby divergence in the wall.

I could hear the blood rushing into my ears, so I closed my eyes and swallowed down my fear and tightened my grip on the weapon.

There was a sudden crunch against the gravel, indicating the footsteps. Whatever it was sounded bipedal. I think. I don't know what bipedal sounds like but whatever.

I waited as the footsteps got closer, louder. The moment I saw the creature pass me, I let go of what was holding me back and let instinct power my movement. I lunged forward and wrapped an arm around it, pressing my knife to its throat.

The creature underneath me stiffened, and I could feel its pulse suddenly speed up. It quickly slammed its foot against mine and darted away from me. It spun around, hands raised and ready to attack.

It paused, panting, as recognition flooded its—or rather, his—gaze like a spotlight. "Alexander?"

"Oh, thank god," I said as I put the knife away, grateful for a familiar face.

"Well that brings back memories, doesn't it?" John asked, tone light.

I snorted. "Sorry about that."

"You gave me a heart attack you know," he said as his hands fell to his side. But the lightheartedness was quickly abandoned and replaced by something that was much more grave and much more serious; it looked out of place spread against his features. "Have you seen anyone else?"

I shook my head. "I'm just glad to have found you."

John nodded and attempted a smile, but it was easily seen through. "Well, I encountered a Tenebrie," he said. "But I killed it."

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