Chapter Twenty Eight

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I woke up to the early morning sunlight dotting the ground as my dreams were slowly chased away by the curse of being awake. I looked to my left and for once, smiled at the boy laying next to me. Once again, some tugging part of me felt horrible and stupid, but the majority didn't care.

The sense of peace and ease heightened as I recalled the dreams I had that night. I couldn't hide my stupid grin at how they weren't the usual nightmares but rather sweet fluffy dreams that inspired hope and happiness.

But as usual, the feeling washed away like being carried away by a flood when I looked back at the near-lifeless Thomas resting next to me.

I wanted to lean forward and kiss him again; I wanted to feel the sweet carelessness that had been carried with such a small action. My hand placed itself against Thomas's face, but a moment of thought made me stop completely and let go of him.

I threw my feet out of the bed and stood up. Daring one more glance at Thomas, I turned and left the room sullenly.

The desperate need to take a walk was increasing. I absolutely had to clear my head, give myself a moment alone to think. Trying to stay as quiet as possible so I wouldn't run the risk of alerting anyone and having them tag along, I slunk through the hallways.

It's not that I didn't like them, nor that I didn't enjoy their company. Without Thomas, I'd been turning to his friends more and more as a source of comfort, of hope. But sometimes the best thing a person needs is to walk and wander aimlessly. By themselves.

The morning air was brisk and welcoming as I stepped outside. Rather strong wind, but luckily not chilly. The breeze rustled through my hair as I started down the path. Somewhere along the way, I scooped a stick off the ground and pretended to be Gandalf just to have something to hold onto.

I listened to the birdsong that drifted from the treetops above. Strangely, it was a welcoming sound and though reminding me of Thomas, I listened closer to see if I could differentiate the difference of the pitch and tone of each bird.

I started humming something to myself to keep my mind busy as I strolled pointlessly through the undergrowth, veering far off of the trail. The trees grew taller and wider, bushes denser as I made my way deeper into the forest. Thorns pricked my skin as I pushed through vines, but I barely noticed the pain.

When I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off into oblivion, I could feel the gentle thrum of the energy that accompanied me during my trek through the forest. It was everywhere, in everything. Every plant, every animal, even in the space between. I could see the strings it was composed of, and I knew that if I really wanted to and threw all of myself into it, I could change the shape of this entire forest.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice at first when the weight on my shoulder suddenly increased, but the pinprick of claws being dug into my skin shot through my body, I whirled around.

Nothing but trees and forest stood behind me.

A chirp from nearby sounded through the air. My eyes darted towards the direction it had come from to see a small figure on my shoulder.


She chirped once more in response and let the grip of her talons relax. She didn't move however. It was sort of comforting to have her there. A piece of Thomas protecting me during my harrowing journey through the woods of no return.

I rubbed her head gently like one would pet a cat or dog, and she didn't protest or fly away. She was certainly the bravest bird I've ever met.

"What are you doing here girl?" I cooed. "Here to protect me? Did Thomas send you?"

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