Chap 2

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Alexis' POV

"Today was our last official school day together," I said. "We've graduated now."

"What do you plan on doing now?" asked Blake.

"Travel the world a bit," I said. "I have till I'm twenty three to look for a job."

"How old are you now?" asked Devin.

"Twenty one," I said. "Which leaves me a year and two months to do something with my life." I looked at my watch. "So, you guys can come with me or not. I'm about to drive to Smallville and meet up with a few friends I made when I was there last summer."

"We brought our tour bus," said Drew. "You could hook your car up to our bus and ride inside the bus with us."

"That'll be cool," I said. "Jonnie, what do you say?"

"I'm sure we can make this work," said Jonnie. "Book a few gigs."

"You can do that at the Talon," I said.

"What's the major city down there?" asked Jayk.

"Metropolis, it's a two hour drive from Smallville," I said.

"Where will you be staying?" asked Blake. "We'll be staying at a hotel in Metropolis."

"I'm staying at the Kent Farm," I said. "Lovely people. So, it's your choice."

"We'll make the two hour drive work," said Jayk.

"Let's go," I said. I hooked my car to the back of the tour bus and grabbed my suitcase. I got onto the bus with them. "This is amazing, guys." Jonnie started driving as we sat down. "I never thought that you'd come to Arkansas."

"I couldn't ignore a Juliet who wanted After Romeo to come to their city," said Jonnie.

"You saw my tweet," I said.

"Well, it's really all about you," said Drew. "Why do you have to wait till your twenty three? What about your friend?"

"She's going to LA, to become an actress," I said. "She's following her dream and I'm following mine."

"LA is like the city of dreams," said TC.

"My dream is on the east coast," I said. "When I turn twenty three."

"Why twenty three?" asked Blake.

"Because the bureau doesn't accept applications if you're not twenty three," I said.

"Bureau?" asked Devin. "As in the FBI?"

"Yes," I said. "That's why I studied criminal justice. It's what I want to do."

"Don't get your tighty whities in a twist," said Drew.

"Shut up," I said. We talked for hours. "So, what else do you want to know about me?"

"I'm not really sure," said Devin.

"Life isn't smooth sailing but we all have to push on," I said. "That's a fact. I can promise you that much."

"It's smooth sailing for others," said Blake.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to bed," I said. "Where can I find my bed?"

"Past the blue curtain," said Drew. "The only bed to your left."

"Thanks," I said. I walked to the bed and got in. "Such a small space." I plugged in my phone and looked at the notifications that popped up on the screen. "Dang. People be spamming my instagram." I pressed the lock button on my phone. "Goodnight."

Blake's POV

I woke up Saturday morning at nine am. I showered and got dressed. I sat in the bus and looked out. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Metropolis," said Drew.

"Metropolis is beautiful," I said.

"It's it?" asked Alexis. She looked different. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, just you look different," I said.

"Never seen me in plaid before?" asked Alexis.

"Just once," I said.

"Well, get used to me wearing jeans, my cowboy boots, and plaid/flannel shirts tucked in with a belt," said Alexis. "Also with my hair tied up."

"How'd you come up with this get up?" asked Drew.

"Well, a summer on a farm with their son who's nine years older than me, you get hooked," said Alexis.

"Hooked?" I asked.

"Relax, he's married," said Alexis. "Clark's the older brother I've never had."

"Is there decent parking here?" asked Jonnie.

"A parking garage," said Alexis. "Go to the red light and take a left. The garage should be on your right."

"Thanks," said Jonnie.

"No problem," said Alexis.

"Well, this is our stop," I said. We got off the bus and I handed Alexis her suitcase. "You call us, okay?"

"I definately will," said Alexis untying her car. "You guys should come to town. I'm sure Lana Lang could set you up a gig at her coffee shop."

"We'll be there," said Jonnie.

"Alright," said Alexis. She put her suitcase in the trunk. Then, she got in her car and started it. She rolled down her window. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Especially in the streets of Metropolis."

"We won't," I said as I waved to her. She drove off. "Well, she loves this place."

"Well, a billionaire is in town," said Devin looking at a newspaper. "Lex Luthor."

"Well, LuthorCorp is making huge profits," I said looking at me phone. "They're huge."

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