Chap 4

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Alexis' POV

"Thanks," I said as my phone vibrated. "Oh crap. I gotta run." I took off my apron. "By the way, if you need me, I'll be living at the Luthor Mansion." I got into my car and drove to the Kent Farm. I walked inside and found my suitcase near the couch. "Clark?"

"Yeah?" asked Clark walking down the stairs.

"Did you know?" I asked.

"Well, you never really gave Lex a good answer," said Clark. "But if you are going to live there, I wanna drop you off."

"There you go, being the big brother again," I said. Mr. and Mrs. Kent walked in. "What's going on?"

"Alexis, moving in with Lex is going to require a few things," said Mr. Kent. "You don't know Lex like we do."

"Lex can be a good guy when he wants to be," I said. "Don't worry. I'll see if he has any information on you and report them back as soon as I can."

"Well, it's good to have someone on the inside," said Mrs. Kent.

"Knock knock," said Lex walking in.

"Lex," said Mrs. Kent. "The muffins are on the counter."

"Thank you," said Lex. "Alexis, you coming?"

"Yeah," I said. "Clark is going to drop me off."

"Okay," said Lex.

"Let's go," said Clark. We got into my car and followed Lex in his Porsche. "Okay. Alexis, I see the way Lex looks at you." I looked at him. "He likes you."

"Doesn't mean I feel the same way for him," I said as Clark parked the car. "I'll see you later." I grabbed my suitcase from the car and followed Lex to my room. "Thank you."

"I hope this is okay," said Lex.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"I'll be in the library if you need me," said Lex.

"Okay," I said as Lex left. I put my suitcase on the chest on the floor and opened my suitcase. "I have to work tomorrow too." I looked at the After Romeo shirt I had on the top of my stack. "I miss you guys already." I was walking around the mansion when I saw Clark. "Hey."

"What are you doing?" asked Clark.

"I'm snooping around," I said with a straight face. Clark looked at me. I smiled. "I'm actually looking for the library. I can't seem to find it."

"This way," said Clark. Clark showed me to the library. "Right here."

"Thanks," I said. There were black bags on the floor. "What's going on?" Two guys came out of nowhere and one of them choked Clark. "Clark."

"Alexis, run," said Clark.

I ran out of the office and a guy got in front of me. I tried going the other way but he grabbed my wrist. "Let me go!" I exclaimed. I punched him and kicked him in the jaw. He let go of me. I ran and the guy followed me. I ran into Lex's room and locked the door. "Where's a gun, Lex?" The door rattled. I put my hands up in fists in front of me. The door busted open and Lex walked in. "Lex." I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Thank God it's only you."

"Alexis," said Lex hugging me back. He looked at me. "What happened?"

"Some guys came out of no where and Clark told me to run," I said. "I figured your bedroom was the safest place to be. Then again, I thought you would have a gun in here."

"I talked to the FBI," said Lex.

"And?" I questioned.

"The FBI is taking a little longer to issue you a badge and gun," said Lex. I sighed. "They want to see you in action on the course."

"Okay," I said. "Tomorrow, nine in the morning sharp. You'll video tape me doing the course and send it in."

"Alright," said Lex. "Look, I'll have security outside your room."

"Lex, these guys could walk through walls," I said. "Having them ouside my room isn't good enough."

"Do you want them inside?" asked Lex.

"It'll make me feel better if I wasn't alone," I said.

"Your boys could stay here," said Lex. "That way you're not alone."

"My boys are here?" I asked.

"They're in the studio," said Lex.

"If I can kind my way there," I said.

"Brady, escort Alexis to the dance studio, please," said Lex. "And you make sure to keep a close eye on her. Anything happens to her, it's on you."

"Yes Mr. Luthor," said Brady. I followed Brady to the dance studio. "Here you are Miss Inthavong."

"You got your own personal security?" asked Blake.

"More or less," I said.

Blake's POV

"Well, I guess things change when you live here," I said as I hugged Alexis.

"Not really," said Alexis. "I'm still me." I looked at Alexis. "Hey, don't mind Brady. He's the head of Lex's security team ordered to watch after me."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," said Alexis. "Well, Lex said you guys can spend the night here."

"Where are we going to sleep?" I asked.

"Uhm, Brady, did Lex say where they're supposed to sleep tonight?" asked Alexis.

"No, ma'am," said Brady.

"Please ask him," said Alexis.

"Yes ma'am," said Brady as he left.

"Well, we should get to rehearsing," said Drew.

I saw Alexis in shock as she looked behind me. "Alexis, what's going on?" I asked as I turned around.

Three masked men were there. "Go," said Alexis. A guy threw a punch at me but Alexis blocked it with a kick. "Run!" She started fighting them. "I got this."

"Let's go," I said. We started running as we left Alexis. "What am I thinking?" I stopped running. The guys stopped as they looked at me. "We can leave her." We heard gunshots. "No!" I ran back to the room.

When I got there Alexis turned around and pointed the gun at me. "God Blake," said Alexis. "I could've killed you."

"But you didn't," I said. I looked at the three bodies on the ground along with Brady. "Why is the head of security dead?"

"He didn't watch his sixth," said Alexis.

"Huh?" I asked.

"He was too busy watching my ass that he didn't care to protect his own," said Alexis. "Let's go." We followed Alexis to the library. "Lex, Brady is dead."

"What?" asked Lex.

"He's dead," I said.

"That's impossible," said Lex. "He's a Marine."

"He's dead," said Alexis. "He was too busy protecting me instead of protecting himself."

"You need better security and she needs a gun," I said.

"Right," said Alexis handing the gun to Lex. "Brady tossed me that before he died."

"You managed to get my best security guy killed but you didn't get killed youself," said Lex. "I guess the FBI really does need to hurry up."

"You think?" I asked. "She's the best at stuff she does."

"I think it'll be best if you guys return to Metropolis," said Lex.

"I'll see you guys soon and if not, definately at the concert," said Alexis as she left the library.

"We're on our way out," said Jonnie. We walked out the the bus. "So, it's official"

"Alexis is going for the bureau and nothing's going to stop her," I said.

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