Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven: An Informative Discussion

|Third Person POV|

Percy stopped and began to think. 'I hope this is a good idea. I probably should speak to Kyros about this before agreeing.'

"Could I go this upcoming weekend Professor?"

The weekend approached quickly after a few dull school days. Percy grabbed a jacket and knocked on Kyros' dorm door.

"Hey, you ready yet?"

The door creaked open and Draco stuck his head out. He was clearly exhausted.

"Oh morning Draco."

"How can one have so much energy in the morning?"

"Did I wake you? Sorry, I'm waiting for Kai."

"He's in the shower. You can come in I guess."

Draco pulled the door open wider to allow Percy to walk in. The blond turned and landed face first on his bed and went back to sleep. Percy chuckled to himself and sat on Kyros' bed. The bathroom door opened and Kyros walked out.

"Shit was that this morning."


"Damn. Pass me a shirt from my wardrobe."

Percy picked out a black button down shirt and a blood red tie. He tossed it to Kai.

"Here. We are going to Gringotts."

"Trying to leave a good impression?"

"A smile wouldn't hurt."

"I guess." Kyros grabbed his jacket that was hanging on one of his bedposts.

The duo met Professor Snape at the entrance of the school.

"We'll be apparating from Hogsmeade."

They began to walk to Hogsmeade.

"Hey, Professor. Could I ask what happened during this war we keep hearing about? I don't want to accidentally say something insensitive." Percy asked.

"Has anyone explained to you who your grandfather is?"

"Just that he was an evil wizard."

With a flick of his wrist, Severus put up a barrier to prevent anyone from listening in. "Your grandfather was without a doubt one of the strongest wizards who ever lived. However, his hubris was his downfall. At first, the war was simply about opposing ideas. Those aligned with the dark wanted a world were purebloods stood on top with their traditions. There's plenty of magic out there that is lost here in Britain because the Ministry has banned them. For example, there is a potion to help cure some of the worst infections to wizards but since it requires blood it is banned."

"What kind of blood?"

"Blood of the person who is sick. This way only the person who needs it can benefit from it."

"I guess that makes sense. Sort of." Kyros looked over to the Professor. "If there is magic that could help people, then why is it banned?"

"Well, everything is a double-edged sword. Yes, there is magic out there that can help but if there is ill intent, that same magic can be used to hinder others."

"But there are spells were are learning now that could be just as bad. Like, take the cutting hex for example. I cut aim that spell at someone's neck and hit a major artery causing them to bleed to death." Kyros placed his right hand on his hip. "Or even that cleaning spell. What is it again? Starts with an 's'. Nevermind but I could shoot that spell in someone's mouth and make them choke."

The Professor raised an eyebrow at Kyros' example but chose not to address them.

"Mr. Jackson your grandfather wanted a world where wizards ruled over everything and everyone. Where muggleborn children were to be removed from their Muggle parents and placed with a magical family. However, once your grandfather began to create Horcruxes, he began to lose sight of his original goals and the war became mindless killings."

"No offense but the original ideas of protecting the magical children born in the muggle world seems like something the 'light' side should stand for. Those without powers could possibly understand what its like to have magic." Kyros said.

Percy tilted his head think a bit. "I don't think I really understand. It just seems like those on the light side of the war were opposed to the current ways of magic and wished to modernize it. But it seems dangerous to inform muggles about magic. I mean they have weapons that can kill thousands of people at once. There is no way the wizarding world could combat that."

"Those nukes have lasting effects that could make the surrounding area inhabitable for decades. Muggles can be very terrifying." Kyros added.

There was silence for a while as they made to Hogsmeade. They both grabbed onto Professor Snape's cloak as they apparated to Diagon Alley. 


I've started working on that one shot book I promised. Hopefully, it will be out soon. Once the book is out you can also request pairings. Just that pairings I do not agree with or like will be harder for me to write and may take longer to post but if you want them I'll write it. Also as I mentioned last chapter Percy/Kyros (OMC) won but, to be honest with you guys my romance writing sucks so I'm apologizing now for the cringeyness that may come. The romance will also not be a humongous part of the story but it will be there.

 Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Til next time,

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