Chapter 3

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Chapter Three: A New Friend

|Third Person POV|

"Leaving so soon?"

Percy turned around and saw a black haired boy leaning against a column. His face had three claw marks from under his left eye to his mouth. The boy had red eyes and olive skin similar to Nico's.

"I've never seen you around before."

"That's because I haven't been around. I was sent to help the Olympians with this war."

The Sea Prince raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"So you aren't a demigod?"

"My father isn't a god. He is something much more powerful and older. I would tell you but I'd probably frighten you away."

"Try me."


Percy froze and his eyes widened.

"Told you it would frighten you. Especially since you have met my father."


"How did I know? Because I was there too. I heard your screams and could do nothing about it. I had my own punishment to deal with."

"What is your name?"

"Kyros. Kyros Hylton. My mother was mortal."

The two boys engaged in a lengthy conversation as they left Olympus. The prince of the pit took the green eyed boy to see his mother.

"It was nice speaking with you Perseus. Thank for not judging me because of who my father is." The black haired prince ran into a shadow and disappeared not hearing the younger boy correct him on his name.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on his mother's door. Footsteps approached the door. It creaked open and a gasp was heard.

Sally stood at the doorway taking in the sight of her son who disappeared eight months ago. "Percy?"

"Yeah mom. It's me." His voiced cracked a little.

They hugged each other tightly. Almost afraid that if they let go, one of them will disappear.

"Sally who is it?"

Paul walked to the door and his eyes widened. "Percy!"

The family went to the living room to talk. "What happened Percy? Where did you go?"

Her son began to explain the events that happened to him over the past months. He left out the gory details.

"She's dead mom." Tears leaked from his eyes and his body rocked. Sally pulled him into a hug as he cried his heart out. "Shhh it will get better." She rubbed circles on his back. After a few minutes, Percy sat up.

"I'm going to get my own place mom."

"You don't have to leave sweetie."

"I don't want to intrude. Especially with the little one along the way."

Both Paul and Sally gasped. "How?"

All Percy did was smile. A real genuine smile.


It took Percy three months to recover. He was still plagued by nightmares of the war. Kyros stopped by on multiple occasions much to his father's torment.

"Is my father still taunting you Percy?"

He shook his head. "Not lately."

Kyros smiled. "Good."

"What did you do?"

The olive skinned boy just smiled mischievously.


They both laughed and it felt good for once.

"Hey can I show you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

Percy followed his new friend to his bedroom of his new apartment.

"Close your eyes." The sea prince did as he was asked. "Ok you open your eyes now."

Standing in Kyros' place was a female with red eyes and long black hair that was in a high ponytail.

"What do you think?"

Percy stared in confusion.

"How did you do that?"

"This bracelet here." She pointed at her wrist. "Allows me to change my body to what ever sex I choose. It is also what let's me alter my age."

"Wait a minute. How old are you?"

She smacked his shoulder. "Don't you know. You should never ask a lady her age."

Kyros changed back after they had a good laugh. He pulled the bracelet off and gave it to Percy to put on.

"Humor me."

The dark prince closed his eyes as the sea child's body changed. "Wow."

Percy looked at himself in the mirror. He had wider hips, a fairly large bust (probably a C or D cup), a lean figure and long black hair. Kyros whistled. "You are smoking." Percy changed back and punched him in the gut. "Don't be a perv."

"I'd never."

Suddenly the phone in the apartment stared to ring  and Percy answered it.

"Hey mom. Is everything ok?"

Sally spoke for a few and Percy was nodding to himself.

"I can come over slightly earlier. That's not a problem. Do you mind if I bring someone?"

The prince of the pit watched as the child of the sea exchanged words with his mother. When the teen hung up, Percy smiled.

"Come on. We are going to my mom's place."

"What?! No I can't...I shouldn't...I do not have a choice do I."

"Nope. She has wanted to meet you for a while now and supposedly she has a guest over who is looking for me. I rather not leave her with those people if they are people."

"Ugh fine. But if they are monsters, I want the first hit."


Pairing Options (From Ao3, and Wattpad):

Percy/Hermione - 2

Draco/Hermione -2

Draco/Harry - 2

Percy/Nico - 2

Nico/Leo - 1

Percy/Fred/George - 1

Keep commenting. There are some interesting pairings here.

Til next time,


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