Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen: Newly Discovered Abilities

|Third Person POV|

Agrod handed the letter over to Percy. He slowly opened the letter; careful not to break the fragile parchment.

"Well, what does it say?"

Percy sits down and begins to read.

To the next Olympia Heir,

You may be wondering why I am writing this letter. There is something you must know before accepting your place as heir. When my grandfather was alive, he was cursed by a witch. It is unknown what he was cursed with but we did discover some of the effects. In certain emotional states like anger or fear, black lines would appear on his body. At first, it seemed as though it was nothing to worry about. However, we soon realized we were wrong. That curse was draining my grandfather's life away until the day he died. When my elder brother became heir years later, the same cursed seemed to appear on him. My father believes the witch's curse is affecting our family's magic.

In case you were not aware, the Olympia Familia Magia chooses the next lord. Those who are blessed go through the illud successori to prove their worth. Should you fail, the Magia bypasses you to the next heir until one is found. Should you pass, you will experience powers you've never had before. You will also notice that the Magia unlocks parts of your core that would otherwise be barred from you.

Now back to the curse. When you become heir, you may notice changes to your body. Please find a healer to monitor you in case the curse becomes present in you. If not, then you're a lucky one. Do this family proud.

Best Regards,

Aldrich Vincent Olympia

He places the parchment back down on the table and looks over at Kyros and his Professor.

"Agrod do you know what this curse is that Aldrich speaks of? He said it was draining his grandfather's life away until he died."

The goblin raised a brow, "If my memory serves me right, Bernard Calvert Olympia was his grandfather. The witch who cursed him, who was his former maid, was in love with him. Upon investigation, it was discovered that she was a bastard hybrid. Half werewolf and half vampire."

"Two natural enemies," Severus added.

"Yes. There was also an unknown blood curse involved. Its speculation but it's possible she wasn't aiming to hurt Bernard."

"A jealous maid in love with the man of the house. Sounds like something straight out of a romance novel." Kyros crossed his arms. "That blood curse sounds interesting though."

Percy looked down at the parchment again. "How will I know if this blood curse will even affect me? I'm not purely Olympia."

The goblin looked Percy in the eye, "Only time will tell. Hopefully, your Slytherin blood will overpower this curse."


Harry walks to the Room of Requirement. He was having strange dreams and headaches constantly. However, they didn't last very long. He paces three times in front of the wall and a door appeared. Harry opens the door slowly expecting to see a room charred from fiendfyre but is shocked to see a lounge-style room. Comfy chairs, a soft rug, and muted pastel colors decorated the room. He sits down on a large single couch and leans back.

"Finally some peace and quiet."

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Harry enjoyed the silence.


Green eyes open quickly and look around. "What?"


Harry stands up, "Who's there?"

The room is silent again for a moment and then Harry collapses to his knees. He grips his head as he gets a sudden splitting headache.


"Don't fight it~" The voice calls out. "Let me show you~" 

Harry shuts his eyes, sits on the floor and rests his head on his knees. "Show me what."

"A truth~" 

He falls to the floor unconscious. 


The trip to Gringotts took much longer than the trio expected. Percy accepted his lord/heirships and decided to wait on voiding the Potter/Black contract. As long as Harry didn't figure out that there is an old marriage contract waiting to be fulfilled, Percy had nothing to worry about. Professor Snape picked up Percy's inheritance test, after asking, and slowly looked it over. 

'There is a lot of powerful wizards in Mr. Jackson's family tree. Perhaps one of them is the reason for his ability to 'see' magic. But who could it be? Some of these names I am not familiar with, however, the ones I recognize where known for other magical feats but none of which were for the ability to 'see' magic in ways the naked eye couldn't.' Severus thought.

"Is everything ok Professor?" Percy asks. 

"Yes. I was just looking over your family tree to see which family could be the reason for your ability to see magic." Severus put the parchment down. "Perhaps with the merge of powerful bloodlines, new abilities formed."

Agrod packed away the tools he used for the inheritance test.  "The assumption would be correct Lord Prince. Many pureblood families only married into other powerful pureblood families to make magically power children. In some instances, those children exhibit powers neither family has seen before. Like Mr. Jackson's Magic Sight."

Percy looked down at his hands. 'I wonder what other magical abilities I have that I haven't discovered yet.'


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I'm going to try to update more often but no promises. Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Til next time,

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