bonus chapter | the meeting

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This is a fragment of Autumn Leaves & Pumpkins please written by Xavier Montgomery describing what he thought of Autumn Morris the very first time he saw her.


The soft yellow satin brushed against her skin every time she passionately rocked her loose hips back and forth in synch with the rhythm of the song. Golden shimmer on her eyelids sparkled as she closed her eyes, but when she opened them her irises were even more blinding. Uncovered arms and hands elegantly up in the air, seconds later caressing her own body.

I couldn't stop watching her, wanted to see every movement she performed, because everything looked so flawless. She maneuvered like a mute swan, chic demeanor which made me lose all of my senses. When she spun, she didn't realize that the whole world spun around her, because she was the omphalos. I wondered about what her skin would feel like, perhaps even taste like. How I'd cherish every piece of it, because I knew this woman was precious. Everyone was looking at her, falling in love with the aura she carried with her, but only she did not see that. Perhaps she banned the feeling of being admired, perhaps she thought she didn't deserve that.

But she deserved the world. She deserved the universe. And right in that exact moment when she looked me in the eyes with that intoxicated look on her face, I knew she was the one. The one all the books kept telling me about, the one I had never expected to be so incredibly breath-taking. She was like a fantasy coming true, she was sweeter than I could ever imagine.

And yet there she was, in front of me on top of glasses, waiting for me to offer her help just like destiny wanted.

author's note: more of these will follow! they're very short, because it's more like some kind of poem i suppose? also i just published a brand new story for those wo aren't following my profile! it's called Amore Dies & Mysterious Eyes and it's on my profile, so it would be super amazing if you'd check it out and leave a comment and vote! again, thank you for supporting this story xxx

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