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     THE TEASING OF William soon came to a close after Dick had led the boys into the pasture, so Florence found herself trailing inside the house out of boredom

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THE TEASING OF William soon came to a close after Dick had led the boys into the pasture, so Florence found herself trailing inside the house out of boredom. After a few short hours of boredom and contemplation, another perfected dinner was prepared for the second new recruit of the week and Florence felt a sense of déjà vu. She had laid out the display with an assist from Chavez who took by her side the majority of the day. He was quickly catching on to the young woman's routine within the household and was determined to help minimize it, allowing her to have more freedom in her day.

He knew that he needed to find his special place on the ranch, that may be helping the benefactor's daughter with her duties, even though she really didn't need it. He didn't want to see her in constant disappointment any longer, the second she turns around, there's something else to finish. Chavez has only know Florence for a few days now and he already cares about her in a way he wouldn't with the other boys. His first intentions were to allow this not to happen, though he feels protective of her and would do anything to keep some weight off of her back.

Florence thanked him for his help and she was already feeling relieved that everything was done for the night, that meaning she could just relax for the rest of the night.

Once again, she had managed to whip up a perfectly delicious meal, a vegetable stew. With some left over food from the previous meals of the week, it wasn't much at all, but enough to enjoy for a first dinner in a new establishment... or that's what she had thought. William, who addressed the group earlier in a rather rude attitude that he would rather be called Billy, twirled his spoon around in his bowl, unamused.

On the left end of the table, Tunstall sat in his preferred chair, high and mighty. Directly ahead of him at the other end was his daughter. On Tunstall's right sits Dick, Doc and Billy. To the right of Florence, Chavez, Charlie and Steve. Florence was proud of her new seating arrangements, considering she did not have to climb up into the barn loft to grab an extra chair, deep within the hay.

Steve goes to pick up the plate of bread that was far from his fingertips, reaching over Charley's plate. Charley slaps his arm on instinct, Steve wincing and pulling away. Charley rolls his eyes before smiling and handing him the plate. "Well now, look at those appetites." Tunstall admired, "William? Have some more." He proceeded to hand him over the pot that Florence cooked with to serve himself more of the stew.

"After dinner I have to ride down into the pasture to check on the cows, they haven't been eating much lately." Florence complained, lifting her spoon to her lips. She eyed her father, waiting for him to respond or even acknowledge her. He had been focused on Dick and Doc's conversation more than his own that his daughter was attempting to start.

Florence coughed, gaining everyone's attention. "Oh- um yes. Indeed. I will have Doc ride with you." All of the boys snickered, aside from Chavez and Doc himself. Florence shoots death glares at each and every one of them before locking eyes with her father once more.

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