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     THE PEACEFUL SOUNDS of the fire crackling really helped to calm Florence down

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     THE PEACEFUL SOUNDS of the fire crackling really helped to calm Florence down. Since her last conversation with Dick and Doc, she was trying to process everything happening around them and figure out the best way to get out of this dangerous situation. She never said a word to the group as she allowed her thoughts to consume her, which ultimately made everyone worry.

     With her knees pulled into her chest and her head bowed to her feet, she hadn't noticed what the boys began to do; they were sitting down and forming a circle around the fire with her because they were concerned about her well being... And because Chavez asked them to. He had been planning something throughout the day that no one was aware of, and he was gathering everyone together to explain.

"We've come to a place where we are lost, no?" He begins, Florence watching closely as the embers danced around his face, enlightening his features in shades of gold. "When an Indian is lost, he must reach into the spirit world to find the way. On the Spirit Road, he'll be shown a sign. We're lost right now, but I'll help us find the way." Chavez's hands were wrapped around a small cup, causing Florence to sit up straight in curiosity as the young man before her took a sip.

"Oh Christ, Chavez!" Steve rolled his eyes, which were almost hidden from view underneath his hat. "That's all we need is some more of your red-ass Navajo mambo-jambo. We're running out of time here, Chavez." He chews loudly on his wad of tobacco.

The young woman couldn't help but roll her eyes, as Steve couldn't have been more arrogant. She truly believes that Chavez is more of an ally to the group than, for example, Billy, because the boy is so unpredictable, but it was people like Steve who wouldn't give Chavez a chance even if his life depended on it.

Florence, about ready to full out brawl Steve right there and then, reached across Charley's chest who was sitting right next to her and held her fingers right in front of boy's face, "You're this close, Steve." She emphasized, while Chavez hissed at boy, "This close." Steve swallowed hard and guided his attention to Billy, who was drinking the liquid, attempting to avoid Florence's heated glare. He wasn't in the mood for a lecture, but he noticed that Florence was in a better mood than she was before, so he was thankful she was merely teasing him.

"Is that any good?" Charley asks as he scratches his head, interested about what he was about to try. "Chavez, what is that?"

"Peyote." He simply replied and all of these thoughts come rushing into Florence's head, trying so hard to remember if she had ever learned about it before from the books her father kept. She replayed the name over and over again in her head until it hit her, it was a cactus.

The poet of the group takes a sip next before handing it off to Florence, "You don't have to if you don't want to, Flo." The young woman quickly eyed what was in the cup, briefly taking the time to look back up at Chavez. She raised an eyebrow, almost as if she was asking if it was safe for her to drink or not. When Chavez nodded his head, Florence put the cup to her lips.

𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐒 & 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | YOUNG GUNSWhere stories live. Discover now