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     THE HUNT FOR the remaining members of Murphy's gang continued and the Regulators were growing restless

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     THE HUNT FOR the remaining members of Murphy's gang continued and the Regulators were growing restless. They needed sleep, but valued their safety more. They couldn't risk shutting an eye without a roof over their head, even then they had to insure they were protected. After the psychoactive alkaloids wore off, the group stumbled upon a tiny house where they could lay low for a few hours.

The absence of comfort has left Florence numb. With each passing hour, she was one step closer to being forced to say goodbye to the young girl she once knew. Her current situation wasn't ideal, but in order to keep herself and her boys safe, she would have to go against all of her morals without losing who she is.

Florence's thoughts were tearing her apart and it was hard to stay focused on anything for too long. She hadn't even noticed Doc standing in the doorway until he caught her attention. "If you don't mind me asking, is everything okay, Miss?" Everyone was beginning to see the frustration and tiredness burrow into Florence's soft soul.

"We arrest Roberts, then what?" The young woman suppressed a sob and crossed her arms together across her chest. "What do we do? Where do we go?" Florence paused momentarily as Charley entered the room to grab another plate of food to bring out to the table, not wanting to upset him with the matter. "We can't keep running for the rest of our lives."

"If I'm being honest with you, Florence, I don't know." Doc mimics the woman's actions and leans against the doorframe. He has been trying to avoid his conversation with Dick for days—deciding on how to go about with things—it required an answer that he didn't have. "I don't want to be the one to suggest it, but maybe the best thing to do is to split up. If there are enough people who want Billy hung, it won't be long until they start coming for all of us."

Florence cups her face in her hands, her head swirling with unpleasant thoughts and the realization that her life was about to crash and burn. "That's what I was afraid you were going to say... Because I agree with you, but I can't leave you. I can't let you all down."

Doc bowed his head and sighed, shuffling towards Florence with heavy feet. "It's not like we have much of a choice." Florence remained silent as she gently touched her fingertips to her eyes, attempting to hide her emotions. "And I know that you would never let us down, Florence. There's no need to worry about that." Doc shared a soft smile with the woman, hoping that would help her calm her nerves slightly.

Before Florence could reply, Chavez entered the room, fiddling with his knife. "Richard's head is about to explode." There was almost a smirk on the young man's face, amused by the boys' antics.

"What now?" Florence's eyebrows scrunched together as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Billy won't stop hacking on him."

"Son-of-a-bitch," Annoyed, Florence looked between Doc and Chavez. "I really don't need this right now." She took a deep breath and marched towards the dining room, where the rest of the Regulators were seated. Chavez and Doc followed close behind.

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