UA part 2 through stain arc

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The battle was about to start with the points how they were and same teams

Izuku: ok so we should just try to run around and Dodge everyone who comes for us

Mei: gotcha

Tokoyami: alright

Ochako: ok

Midnight: START

Everyone then started to rush izuku at once

Izuku: ok guys plant yourselfs into the ground or be alone away from my shot

Then everyone stuck their feet to the ground and dark shadow clinged to the ground also Mei used a gaget to stick into the ground


Izuku: nope 30% DETROIT SMASH

everyone then flew all over the place some out of bounds and failing some barely stopping before they did but now there were only 3 teams left and izuku's team which is 4 though it didn't matter much since they had to end it so their could be fights for the next round

Midnight: ok everyone that's it now we will be doing a tournament 1v1 until there is one person left first is shinso and izuku

They then cleared the floor except for those two

Midnight: ok start

Shinso: so I heard you were dating that uraraka sad to see your dating a bitch


Shinso: gotcha now go and walk off the stage

Izuku didn't move though instead just said

Izuku: does your quirk have a limit to who it can be used on

Shinso: yes but only if they were so strong that they could- oh no

Izuku: HAHAHA wow now that's funny ok bye

Izuku then flicked at him with 10% and he was sent flying into the wall behind him

Midnight: well then ok I guess izuku wins

*Timeskip to last three fights*

Ochako was worried but also confident she could beat bakugou she was training just like izuku was and was now on par with izuku in 5%


Ochako: hey deku do you mind if we trained together while we wait for the sports festival

Izuku: yeah that's fine I wouldn't say no to you anyway It'll help me more than just doing it alone

*Back to present*

She had been weighed down during her training and could handle 5x gravity and which also trained izuku's quirk for him having to keep it happening

Midnight: start

Ochako then rushed bakugou and punched him in the gut making him walk back a little bit and wheeze but quickly came back and blew up ochako:s face sending her back a few feet she then rushed bakugou and made him float and punched him away from the stage and released him sending him on to the grass around the stage

Midnight: ochako wins next is izuku and todoroki

*10 minutes later*

Midnight: start

Izuku then rushed todoroki and punched him but he caught himself with his ice and swerved back and grabbed izuku and flung him across the stage izuku caught himself though and rushed at him with 30% ofa and punched him nearly making todoroki fly off the stage but then caught himself again

Izuku: you know todoroki your never gonna win with half your power you see yourself as smart even though the one thing you don't know is that the fire quirk you have is yours not your fathers

Todoroki widened his eyes and got flashbacks of his past always thinking of his dad's side as evil and to never use it he now realized it was his quirk thanks to izuku and was englufed in flames that filled his entire half of the battle arena

Todoroki: thank you but now you'll lose

Izuku: I know and don't forget this was just my plan to show you what really is important

Izuku then walks right of the stage and walks away giving todoroki a thumbs up before disappearing from view

Midnight: well appears that todoroki wins next will be ochako and todoroki

Let's just say the next fight was a very easy one ochako was knocked out from getting hit by todoroki's ice

The next day they got requests for internships and they were all the exact same except Gran Torino got izuku's ofa to 75% and let him handle 20x gravity and hold that for 2 minutes or so and able to use his good form once a day for 10 minutes now on to the stain arc

Gran Torino and izuku were just patrolling when they saw smoke and saw a huge fire up ahead Gran Torino then told izuku to see if everyone is safe and then izuku found stain about to kill tenya izuku then punched stain with 50% knocking him out instantly he grabbed tenya and native and brought them to some pros who then took care of them izuku then rushed to were all the fire was and saw a bunch of nomus causing havoc izuku then powered up to 75% and rushed one taking it out with a bit of trouble a few cuts and scrapes nothing major though izuku turned golden and weighted one down turning it into a pool of blood and the other one was fire blasted by endevour tenya and native where taken to the hospital and because a bunch of pros begged the chief izuku didn't go to jail and actually got a lot of attention and got a few fans tenya had his nerve shot and naive was mostly fine with a few new scars they then went back to UA and talked about their internships and went back home sleeping way easier because the hero killer was taken to jail forever but his influence did not go unseen a bunch of low life villains joined the league and would soon get payback on UA for what they have done

Hey guys I've been really busy lately so sorry if this one seemed rushed also thanks so much for over 500 reads that's amazing guys thank you all anyways hope you enjoyed!

Editted 8:17 pm

Wow guys over 550 reads thanks so much guys

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