𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐙𝐞𝐫𝐨

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He gently strummed the guitar strings with his pick, pages beyond pages of little notes and long letters full of confessions he'll never say out loud.

Alone in his room, he let out a shaky breath, wishing that the ink embedded on those pages were easier to say out loud rather than write. Every single,sweet, bitter, and euphoric feeling he confessed on the parchment pieces—were things he couldn't say to his boy crush.

A buzz of his phone caught his attention, bringing him away from his bitter mind. Moving the guitar strap over his shoulder, he set the instrument down to the side. Picking up his red flip phone;

"Hello?" He said, his voice raspy, from singing out his sorrows and wishes.

"Alex? You were supposed to be here an hour ago, where are you?" Asked his manager, the blonde could just hear the sternest in her voice as he moved the phone a little ways from his ear.

"Uh, about that, I don't think I can—" Before he could even finish, he heard her breathe heavily through her nose.

"No, not that excuse again! Remember, your pay check, is also my pay check!" With that the phone went silent, making Alex turn his head over to his guitar.

Sitting on the floor, in an almost glum manner.

"Well, guess it's our time to shine," Stated Alex, picking up his guitar, throwing the strap over his shoulder.

Time for another concert.

Time to sing the same song.

Time to live it all over again.

My Muse                       ♡Hikaru Hittachin♡Where stories live. Discover now