Chapter 2:suprises

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Calasia p.o.v

My baby won't be home till tomorrow i miss my stink already i juss needed a break from her.. she's bad as hell i remember last week when i was changing her diaper and she kept moving and i yelled "sit still raj" and she was saying gibberish but she got loud with it and i thought she yelled out "no bitch" and i gave her the "who the fuck you think you talking to" face and she was laughing and giggling like it was funny or something i juss shook my head and when i told dre he was laughin i punched the hell out of him in his chest but anyways im just now waking up and it's 2:45 p.m and im in the bed i guess dre put me here but shay wasn't in the bed so i got up and and went in the living room and her and dre was playing uno and im juss looking like wtf why didn't yall wake me up... this ain't fucking fair

Calasia:damn ats fucked up yall forgot about me *pouts*

Dre:*laughs* you'll be ight but go get ready i don't wanna stay in ess mf all-day i don't really wanna stay in ess town period it's to got damn cold

Calasia:*smirks* so where you wanna go

Dre: we seniors this year right

Calasia: yeah so where you going with this

Dre: i wanna take a trip for like a week to get you away from everything and everybody just me, you, shay, and taraj since shay's birthday tomorrow we should go to miami, florida it's the next state over we won't be that far away from home yah know lets juss sneak off but leave a note on the door but don't put our location i ain't got time for mfs to just appear at our door and shit

Calasia:*laughs* you dead serious ain't you

Dre:yeah i already rented us a beach house for a week

Calasia: shit you ain't gotta say anything else lemme get me, shae's, and taraj's stuff packed

I went back to the bedroom and got one large duffel bag and one large suitcase one medium suitcase and a small suitcase i put all the new clothes and shoes i bought shay for christmas in the medium bag then i put my clothes sandals and shoes and underwear plus two bading suits in my suitcase... i guess ima have to buy taraj and shay a bading suit when we get there and then i put all our tooth brushes in a seperate ziplock bags with they own toothpaste and i got taraj's oral mouth gel and then in put lotion, deoderant, sunscreen, swimming toys, my hair stuff, my contacts, perfume and cologne, me and dre's jewlry in separate zip-block bags, my make-up.... Then i got my other duffel bag and filled it up with snacks,chips, three boxes of capri-suns and two 6-pack sunny D, then i just stuffed with shit that everybody eats and i got another duffle bag and put all my purses in there shit i need them plus my phone charger and headphones then i got taraj's diaper bag and put a box of diapers and two things of wipes, some baby water and milk mix then i got taraj's clothes, shoes, and sandals in her small suitcase and i was ready to go and dre looked outside to see if tez and them were home and they wasn't i hurried up and went downstairs and put the suitcases and duffle bags in the trunk... it's cold af out here and i ran back to the apartment and dre was done packing his stuff and he put his in his trunk and hung a note on the door and i went back to the bathroom and took a 45min shower and hopped out then i put on a blue tank top and some shorts with a white belt and i put my grey joggin pants over it and i put on my uggs and i put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my blue sandals and my white coach satchel purse and then shay kept what she had on cause she wanted to wait till we got there but i re-did her hair and put it in a curly ponytail and dre he did the same thing i did but he had on cargos and we all grabbed our coats and hurried up and pulled off and then we drove to moma dina's and got taraj and she was sleep but dre wanted her so i let him keep her in his car and moma dina gave him her other diaper bag she had when she was over there and he gave moma dina 100$ and we drove to the gas station and he put 60$ worth of gas in both of our tanks and we was on the road then we drove till we got there and i was tired as hell but this beach house was beautiful though big brownish peachish house, it had 5 rooms each had it's own bathroom plus a jacuzzi tub, a downstairs and upstairs, a game room, a sauna/ personal spa, the kitchen was amazing had me staring like 😱😱😍😍😄 *sorry if you can't see the emojis* then i the beach was beautiful it was only 6:16 p.m so i think we can go have a picnic on the beach and swim till the sun go down but there was a strip so i hurried and went in rainbow kids and got taraj and shay a bading suit and walked back to the house and shay got in the tub and i changed into my pink and black two-piece bikini and dre had on black swimming trunks and moma dina said she already gave taraj a bath so i put on her minnie mouse bading suit and shay had a daisy duck swimming suit and i had to walk to the local food store and get bread, meat, mayo and all et good shit and walk back a whole lot of niggas was staring but i wasn't paying attention then i went back to the house and made sandwiches, deep fried oreos with powdered sugar and carmel , and got a big bag of ruffles, some capri-suns, and snacks and put it in the picnic basket i bought at the food store and we went outside and walked on to the beach plus didn't i tell yall dre got his hair cut off boyyy ess nigga then got the august alsina hair when i seen him i wanted to strip down but i didn't i was beating some ass at the time but anyways dre say down the blanket and i sat down the food and got the little plates and handed everbody they food and i made taraj a bottle and i fed her and burped her then i ate they tore em sandwiches up especiall dre's fat ass i had one sandwich and some chips and about 4 deep fried oreos em are fireeeee i shoulda added some strawberries to em but lemme shut my fatass up but anyways we sat there for 15min and got up i got taraj and shay and we walked to the water i put shay some floaties on incase dre take her into the water with him and me and taraj sat in the water she giggling and laughing and splashing water then we seen fishes in the waves and she gone smack one of em had me rolling but then we was juss chilling and some cute darkskinned nigga came over to me and smiled ge looked familiar i couldn't juss put my name on it

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