Chapter 1:were back

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~ 3months later~

Calasia p.o.v

I MISSED YALL IT'S BEEN THREE MONTHS LIKE WTF But taraj is getting bigger and bigger me and dre are.... currently seperated right now cause i found a bitch in his phone and she fucked him....i beated her ass up and i fucked around and almost set dre's ass on fire while he was sleep... and as if of right now he be sleeping on the couch..i'm soo jealous of taraj's eye color so i bought me some light grey contacts and diamond...... she's pregnant by tez they still together he got his own place to 6 apartments down from us... crazy right but right now im rey give taraj a bath so we can leave, so i took her down the hallway to the bathroom and i took off her clothes and go her bath spa deluxe and i filt it up with warm water and added johnson baby wash and turned it on she started smiling and giggling then dre walked in and i looked up he juss smiled at me and left but i continued to let taraj have her little fun it juss vibrates and makes bubbles and then i washed her up and took her out and i grabbed her pink and white onezie then i put her jeans on her and grabbed her baby uggs and white headband and i packed up her diaper bag and i gave her to dre then i got in the shower for 23min and hopped out...(i took out my sew-in the day i got out the hospital which was sept 12,2014 and now i look like a bluberry but a pretty one) then i put my hair in a tight high bun with my baby hair out and then i did my daily hygene routine and i grabbed my fitted hollister jeans with my pink sweater and my pink uggs and i sprayed "winters love" on me and grabbed my pink heart shapped satchel purse and i put my contacts in and today ima juss be natural no make-up at all then i went and got taraj and she was sleep i wrapped her up in two blankets and i put her in her carseat and strapped her in and got her carseat cover that blocks the snow and keeps heat in so she'll be warm then i grabbed my car keys and her diaper bag and her and we was out the door but i got out there i had to be careful cause the snow and ice and i made it but i put her in the backseat and i raised up her little opening and she still was sleep i had to scrape some of the ice off my windows then i started up the car and sat right there to let the car heat up and i turned up the heat and pulled out the parking lot and drove to moma dina when i got there i parked in here driveway and got out with taraj and walked in her house, she was posted on the couch watching orange is the new black and when she seen me she smiled and got up and hugged me

Moma dina: i see you brought my grand baby over

Calasia: yeah she's sleep

Moma dina: i'll take over from here

Calasia: ight thanks moma *gets taraj out and kiss her forhead* ima miss you stink

And she was still sleep but after that i went to the car and got in, i pulled out the drive way and i drove to the grocery store cause for 1.i need my mozzerella sticks and for 2. I need ice cream and for 4.taraj needs more baby water so i drove all the way out to walmart and got everything i needed and then i drove back to the house dre was gone... i juss put the stuff up and left and locked the doors and i walked to tez and diamond apartment and she opened the door all big and shit for 2months atleast and she hugged me and i seen her go back and play the radio and august alsina-kissin on my tattoo's came i started boppin

All my homies wanna know wassuph with us, they can't believe that im kicking it with juss one girl..but i'm coo with that...your pretty eyes and smile girl im a fool for that... yeah im fool for that... cause when i be out with chicks i be thinking bout YOU when you be out on dates you be texting me to, telling me to come pick you up when he drop you off i pray to god he ain't breaking you off... I DON'T WON'T NOBODY BUT YOUUU....KISSING ON MY TATTOOS💋❤💯😘😜👅

And after i was done singing diamond fat ass was halfway sleep and i didn't even know so i left and then i drove to my momas house and she was on et buisness trip in jamaica for a year and 6months ess is bullshit i don't understand why she would choose work over me but we argued the day she left which was the next day after i had taraj

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