4- One Mind Lost

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          Jenna sat in her classroom. Her eyes darted around, her body unable to stay still for less than a second. Though no eyes were on her, she felt as if she was being judged by everyone around her. She sunk into her chair and tapped her foot on the ground, waiting for the bell to ring. "Jenna?"

Her foot stopped tapping. She looked at the teacher.

"Did you hear my question?"

Jenna looked around the classroom. Everyone was staring at her. She shook her head. "No, Mrs. Larson," her bottom lip quivered as she spoke. "Could you please repeat the question...please?"

"I asked you if you killed that girl."

Jenna's breathing halted, her body finally sitting still. She stared at the teacher. "Excuse me?"

"You heard her," the student beside her said with a glare. He leaned closer to her. "Did you kill Sadie Wu?"

Jenna squeezed her desk. "I...I-"

Her teacher slammed her ruler on the desk. "ANSWER THE QUESTION-"

"IT WASN'T ME!" Jenna shouted, quickly sitting up in a cold sweat. She looked around her classroom. They were all staring at her.

"Jenna?" Her teacher held her chest in shock from Jenna's sudden scream. "Is everything okay?"

Jenna wiped her wet hair from her forehead then grabbed her bag and stood. Without a word, she rushed out of the classroom. Her mind filled with picture like memories of Sadie's body laying on the stage; Sadie's skin turning pale as the life drained from her body. Her blood covering Poppy's overalls. Jenna dropped to her knees covering her mouth and weeping into her hands. The hallway in front of her began to stretch, growing farther and farther away. Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. She watched it tilt...then things went dark.

*  *  *

       "We lost a teacher...and a student in the same night."

The principal's words replayed in Liam's mind as he stared at the stage the principal stood on. X marked the spot where Sadie's body once laid and where the principal now stood...where Poppy had told Liam what had really happened on halloween night.

"I woke up thirsty...I went downstairs for water...I heard Sadie's brother...I got my dad's gun...I shot him."

Poppy's story was told better that night but that was how Liam remembered it, in short sentences. His eyes scanned the auditorium. Poppy was nowhere to be found. His eyes landed on Noah. Noah sat a few seats down, slouched in his chair. He looked around the auditorium as well, searching for Poppy. Poppy hadn't spoken to him since that night. Not after she figured out that he was involved. He had spent his Christmas Holiday waiting for her to show up with the police. But she hadn't. And the wait made it harder for Noah to keep his mouth shut. He waited for the day he would be dragged in for questioning.

Liam glared at Noah. His hands clenched into fists. He watched as Noah stood and slipped past the other students. Liam quickly followed, jumping to his feet. He walked behind Noah, slipping out of the open door. Noah walked briskly, heading for the bathroom. As Liam was about to call out the him, he heard Poppy's voice. It was soft and muffled but he could tell it was her. He followed it to a classroom. Brody's old classroom.

"And then the car crash happened and Mr. Pearce died. So, we got sidetracked."

Liam stared through the window. Poppy stood with folded arms and a bowed head, sitting on a desk. Who was she talking to? Liam quickly opened the door and walked into the room.

Poppy and Crowder both turned to him. "Liam," Poppy quickly stood. "Is the assembly over-"

"No," Liam folded his arm. "It isn't. Why aren't you in it?"

Poppy looked at Crowder then looked down. "I couldn't go in there. Not after..."

Liam sighed and unfolded his arms. "It's fine...I was worried about you." He stared at her. "Can we talk?"

Poppy nodded. "Of course." She walked over to Liam, then looked back at Crowder. "I'm sorry-"

"Go," Crowder smiled at her. "I'll see you in class."

"I'm not in your class."

He shrugged. "You'll be in one of them."

Poppy's brows arched. She walked out of the classroom with Liam. He suddenly grabbed her hand and started to pulled her down the hallway. "Liam," she yanked her hand away. "What's wrong with you?"

He sighed then turned back to her. "I...I wasn't afraid of you. I'm not and I will never be. I just...," he paused and stared at Poppy. "I liked her."

Poppy frowned. "Liam-"

"I was watching her become a better person and I was waiting for the right moment to ask her out. And then just like that..."

"I'm sorry."

Liam shrugged a shoulder, shoving his hands in his pockets. "That night...when I went home, all I thought about was you and...," he stared into Poppy's eyes, "I just..." His eyes lifted to the figure down the hall.

Poppy watched his face turn pale. She quickly turned back. Noah stood staring at them both. Poppy slowly turned around. She took a deep breath then smiled. "Hi," she waved, shrugging her shoulders in fake glee.

Noah stood confused. He slowly waved back.

"What are you doing?" Liam whispered to her.

"He's our only lead into finding out who killed Sadie," Poppy continued to smile. "We can't lose him." She started head towards Noah but Liam grabbed her arm. "What the-," she turned to him.

"I don't know what's going through your head right now but I suggest you think about the consequences before you do this."

Poppy glared at Liam. She stared at the worrisome expression on his face then sighed. "Fine." She yanked her arm away, then walked in the opposite direction. Liam looked at Noah, shook his head, then followed Poppy down the hallway.

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