7- One Confessing

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       Fisher looked around the lunch room. After nearly peeing himself all day, he was now about to lay freedom out on Dalta's table. His eyes met hers and Liam's. They sat together, her arm wrapped around his and head on his shoulder. His brows fell. Were they dating?

Fisher slowly made his way over to their lunch table. He sat in front of them. Poppy immediately noticed the pale in his face. She sat up. "Are you okay, Fish?"

"Can I talk with you in private? Like somewhere no one will hear us."

Poppy nodded. "Sure."

"We can talk in my car," Liam stood.

Fisher glared up at him. "I want to speak with her alone."

"I'm never leaving her side again. When you're alone with her, you're alone with both of us."

Fisher looked at Poppy. She had a soft smile on her face. She held Liam's arm. They made their way towards the door. Fisher looked at Mason and Charlie. They were both staring at him. He gave them a nod, then pushed the door to the hallway.

They all got into Liam's car. "So," Liam turned back to face the two in the back, "what is it Fisher?"

Fisher took a deep breath. He took his phone out with a trembling hand. "You both have to promise me that you will protect me."

Liam squinted. "Protect you from what?"

Fisher frowned. Tears began to fill his eyes.

Liam grit his teeth, figuring things out by Fisher's tears. "PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT-"

"Fisher," Poppy held his hand, "If you were there...we can't protect you."

Fisher looked at her. "I wasn't there...when it happened," he shook his head. "I left...but I didn't think they would go through with it."

Poppy looked at Liam with wide eyes. She yanked her hand away from Fisher's then covered her face. "Oh my God!"

"I'm sorry," Fisher shook his head frantically and wiped his cheeks.

"Who was there?" Liam leaned further between the seats.

Fisher looked at him. He took a deep breath. "Charlie-"

Poppy uncovered her shocked face.

"Mason...Jenna and Charlotte."

Liam's jaw dropped. "Ch...Ch-Charlotte was there?"

"Yes...She and Jenna blackmailed us all into helping them. Including Brody."

Poppy sighed, her shoulders slouching. "And you want us to protect you. How-"

"I walked away. I left-"

"But you didn't call the police-"

"Just listen," Fisher looked at her, "Please."

Poppy shut her mouth.

"...Before I left, I set up Mr. Crowder's camera under a sheet on the stage and turned it on. I wasn't sure it would record anything much. I hoped it would at least capture them running out of the dressing room. But it caught so much more."

Liam looked at Poppy. She still looked distraught.

"Because Sadie crawled on to the stage, I might have caught footage of her and the rest of them. And Mr. Crowder has seen it."

Liam's brows suddenly arched. "Wait...you said that the camera was recording the stage?"


Death of the Perfect Girl Book 2Where stories live. Discover now