10- One Trustworthy

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          Poppy laid in bed watching the wall lighten from the sun's rays shining through the window. Her eyes burned from the sleepless night she'd had. She slowly lifted her heavy head and light body out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She washed her face then stared at herself in the mirror. The bags around her eyes matched the brown within them. She suddenly broke into tears, slapping her forehead with both palms. Then she stopped. She stared at herself again with a blank stare. She could trust no one...not even herself.

* * *

Poppy walked into the school, barely able to see through her weary eyes. Her pupils ran over to Noah who stood by his locker with his teammates. His smile was wide...happy...guiltless...until his eyes met hers. His mask of joy hit the ground the minute they locked eyes. He gulped then looked away, forcing another smile on his face. This one was guilty.

Poppy turned her head in the direction of laughter. Mason held his chest as he laughed heartily at whatever non sense the girl in front of him had said. He tucked her hair behind her ear then touched her chin. Poppy's brows nearly arched from shock. Mason looked at her. His smile fell and he cleared his throat. "Hey," he mouthed letting a plastic smile form on his face.

Poppy just stared back unable to force herself to give a damn about him. She stared at him as she walked by then made her way over to her locker. As she opened it she felt a presence beside her. She quickly turned to the person beside her. "Can we...can we talk?" Charlie asked looking around the hallway, then at Poppy.

"About?" Poppy said in a monotone voice. "Did have something you need to confess?"

Charlie's brows narrowed. He forced a chuckle. "No...I mean...," he shook his head. "No...You haven't spoken to any of us in a while and I just thought-"

"Thought what? That I might think you killed her?"

Charlie felt his throat go dry. He gulped nothing but air. "I...Why would you think-"

"Maybe I killed her."

Charlie stared at her then looked away.

"At this point, I don't even care anymore. Because EVERYONE IN THIS SCHOOL IS SCREWED UP!" Poppy's voice rose. The hallway turned to her. She slammed her locker door shut, then began to walk away.

Liam quickly rushed over to her prepared to comfort her. She pushed him away. "Don't." He watched her storm down the hallway. He turned to Charlie. Charlie rubbed his upper arm and frowned.

Poppy walked past Crowder's classroom door then paused. She walked backwards, opened the door and walked in. "Poppy," Crowder lifted his head from his books. "Good morning-"

"I can't do this!" She paced in front of his desk. "I can't act like I don't know that everything I knew is a lie. I JUST CAN'T!"

Crowder sighed and stood. "Hey," he walked over to her and held her shoulders. "Breathe, okay?"

Poppy held her head. "I can't-"

"Yes, you can," Crowder chuckled. "Just look at my lips."

Poppy held her chest and looked at Crowder's mouth, his mouth inhaling and exhaling. She followed, slowly calming down. She looked into his eyes. "Thank you."

"No problem," he smiled, letting go of her shoulders. "Now...," he sat on a desk, "talk to me. Tell me what's making it so hard."

Poppy frowned and looked at the ground. "I can't pretend that I don't know anything. I can't act like I'm okay...like what happened wasn't wrong. They're out there right now. The police didn't arrest them like Fisher said they would...I can't do this anymore...I can't do life anymore. I can't trust anyone."

"Don't say that," Crowder touched Poppy's upper arm, running his hand down to her wrist then letting her go.

A weird feeling swirled in the pit of her stomach. She looked at him.

"I wasn't even going to come to school today. I was scared to face them. They know that I know. But you can still pretend you don't."

Poppy sighed and nodded. "You're right." She stared at Crowder. "I still don't get it...Why are you being so nice to me after you found out what I did?"

Crowder shrugged, beginning to fold up his sleeves. "I don't know." He stared at her, lifting his head. "I guess I've learned that people do bad things for the greater good sometimes, you know? And that the past is in the past."

Poppy shook her head. "There's no reason to kill someone-"

"I've done things. I've been where you are. And I've had people keep secrets for me...I'll keep yours," Crowder lowered his head and stared into Poppy's eyes. "Okay? You can trust me."

Poppy looked down, then she looked at him again and nodded. "Thank you."

"Great," Crowder jumped down from his desk.

Poppy noticed something on his wrist. She quickly grabbed his arm. "Wait." Her eyes squinted at the tattoo on Crowder's wrist.

"I was in a fraternity," he shrugged and chuckled.

"Oh...cool." Poppy let his hand go.

He walked over to his desk. "I'll see you in class."

"You don't teach me."

"I do now," Crowder nodded and smiled. "I'm teaching your art class."

Poppy smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "That's great...Thank you...for all of this, Mr. Crowder."

Crowder smiled and nodded. "Call me, Alex."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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