13: Girlfriend

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Days passed faster than I would have liked it to. Between spending time with my loved ones and work, I had been so busy that I didn't have the time to take a minute for myself. So, every chance I got, I stayed in my own house instead of the packhouse. Of course, I only left after story time with Giorgia.

The day after the Accords, Matteo, Jaqueline, Andre and I had a meeting to plan out how we wanted things to be moving forward. Andre will be assuming the position of Beta. It is the proper course of action, considering before me, he was the Beta for some time when my mother was the Alpha. Andre, however, was vocal about how he preferred the position of Gamma as he mostly had to oversee the technical aspect of the pack as opposed to the official matters. However, considering experience and skills, he is the only one prepared to be the Beta in such short notice.

Even though Andre had been in the loop with every official pack matter, I still had to properly hand over all my tasks to him. Day before yesterday, through various trials, obstacles and tasks, a new Gamma was chosen too. Caleb from formation A is now the third-in-command. I was so proud to see him come as far as he did. It felt like yesterday I was at his warrior initiation.

There are only two days left before my ceremony. My plane ticket is reserved, my bags are packed and almost all my duties have been delegated to the appropriate people.

My heart had been very heavy throughout the process, but I had to keep a smile plastered on my face. After all, I am supposed to be happy that I found my soulmate.

People around me were mostly cheerful and had been congratulating me, whenever they got the chance to. There were some that were visibly bothered and sad that I was leaving soon, but none of them said it out loud. It was all just communicated through different gestures. The trainers mysteriously had other important works to attend and had to request for me to fill in for them. That obviously meant I got to spend more time with my warriors. They even pushed for me to train them longer than the set time.

In the last few days, I got to know that there were many people that would miss me as much as I would miss them. I hadn't completely failed as a leader, which meant a lot to me.

My helmet was securely placed with my bike. I was greeted by a few folks who looked oddly jolly today. As I passed them, some even commented on how lucky I was. By now I got used to it, but today more people seemed to be throwing me compliments about my soulmate situation. Once I got close to the main building of the packhouse, it hit me.

I froze as the scent surrounded me. He was in the packhouse. It didn't make sense because he is supposed to arrive tomorrow. However, that would explain the new frequency of compliments.

I had been communicating with Zonarus through texts and occasional calls. They were mostly regarding my move, but there were some personal conversations. It was unlike what we are used to when communicating and it was a nice change. He wasn't a dry texter which was a big relief. He even made the effort to wish me a good morning and night everyday, according to my time zone. I returned the favor during his time of day. It was only because I didn't want to be rude, not because I wanted to. Okay, maybe a little.

I politely smiled at some of the folks that were passing me. My reason for coming to the packhouse today was to spend time with Giorgia and so I made my way through to where I assumed, she would be. The boardroom. Whenever my brother and Jaquelin got the chance, they spent time with their daughter. Sometimes that opportunity presented itself in between meetings and for such occasions, there was always a makeshift tea party setup in the boardroom.

As I got closer to my destination, I realized they had company. My eyes landed on my mate and then to his Beta next to him. They seemed rather preoccupied, drinking tea from small patterned teacups. I looked at my niece who was busy offering snacks to her tea party guests. Her parents were making conversation while going along with her party rules. There was one empty seat. I assumed it was for me.

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