Blood Red Peony (Kurama & Botan)

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Chapter I

It had been a long day for Botan and a particularly disturbing one as well. While cleaning her room in the Southern part of the palace of Reikai she stumbled upon an old silver jewelry box which contains her most treasured possession, a silver oval locket with a big amethyst at the middle. It was a gift but from whom she couldn’t remember. She feels like this is the only thing that connects her to her forgotten past. 500 years had passed and she isn’t bothered anymore by the fact that she couldn’t remember anything else aside from waking up in the palace and being informed that she is now a soul guide, a ferry girl for the lost souls of people who just passed away. She never asked anyone about it because when she tried asking Koenma he just scolded her and told her to stop being ridiculous. She saw how his grip tightened on the stamp he was holding when she asked him why she can’t remember her past “Botan focus on your training as a spirit guide and stop day dreaming! Probably that’s because you slipped on the stairs the day before you were about to start this job.”  “Probably…but then Koenma sama what was I before I slipped…I really couldn’t-“

“Stop bothering me Botan!! You were serving in the archives of souls before you became a shinigami

! Now enough questions!” The prince shouted like a little brat but Botan didn’t see that his eyes softened and released a quiet sigh when he saw that Botan turned away sadly. 

A ring from her compact device suddenly startled her and when she opened it the face of Yusuke, Keiko and Kuwabara appeared in the screen. They were all in Keiko’s Ramen House!

“Botan chan!“ Greeted Keiko beside Yusuke, her soon to be husband.

“Oi Botan what are you doing there are you busy?” Yusuke asked.

“What’s up guys! Awe are you having a get together without me?!” Botan responded with a huge smile.

“That’s why we called you! Come here we’re just starting hurry up or this Buffoon here will eat everything up!”

Kuwabara suddenly grabbed Yusuke’s neck and kept him there in a head lock “Who are you calling buffoon huh Urameshi!” Yusuke dropped the compact while Keiko started scolding the two of them about not breaking the table again like they did last time when suddenly Kurama picked up the compact and smiled gently at Botan.

 “If you’re not busy Botan san we really hope you can come here and join us.” He said while trying to see the surrounding of her room. It’s not his interest to spy on other people’s house but for some reason he couldn’t stop feeling curious what would be this bubbly deity’s room look like. It was pink white and blue. He smiled inwardly thinking how it suits her fresh, comforting and cute. Cute? Where did that came from?  “soon as possible! Save some food form me ok! Kurama kun?” he heard Botan calling his name “Gomen Botan san yes I am listening. We’ll wait for you then.” He smiled at her as she returned his smile and closed the compact.

30 minutes later…

“I’m here guys anyone missed me?!” the door of the ramen house slid open and there stood the pink eyed deity of death. No one will ever suspect that this 18-year-old looking girl is actually a 500 years old shinigami. She was standing and laughing with the rest when Keiko appeared from the kitchen doorway and saw her. The brown haired girl looked so pleased to see Botan. “It’s been a while Botan chan! Your hair has grown so long now it looks so beautiful!”  Keiko said touching the light blue hair that was tied in a high ponytail. It’s now hanging till her waist and it looks so glossy and soft that Keiko couldn’t help but admire it.

“Eh I just didn’t have time to cut it because I was so busy back in Reikai  Keiko chan you really think it looks nice?” Botan asked blushing and fidgeting a little.

“Ah cut the crap out I’m damn hungry! Sheees these girls are so weird!” Yusuke said right before Keiko hit him in the head. “You don’t know how to complement women that’s why.  Yes Botan chan it looks really beautiful!!” Keiko said sitting far from Yusuke. They started eating and chatting with the exception of Hiei who is staying with Mokuro in Makai, and Yukina who went back to visit the ice demon village, much to Kuwabaras disappointment.

It was 2 am already when they decided to call it a night. Yusuke is sleeping over Keiko’s house while Kuwabara and Shizuru are going home to their house. Kurama was on his way to the opposite side when he noticed that Botan is just standing there still facing the road the siblings took.

“Botan san? Is there a problem?” He asked politely.

Botan faced him and shook her head.”Iie Kurama kun I’m just so happy to see everyone that until now I still feel quite awake. I’m thinking if I should stay around for a while and tire myself to sleep!” she whispered happily.  Kurama couldn’t help but feel awed by the effect of the moon light on Botan. The silver light of the full moon casts an ethereal glow to the deity who has now transformed back to her pink kimono. He blue hair is glittering and flowing like waterfalls. “She looks surreal.” He thought to himself. He walked towards her and before he could think, his Youko side spoke for him without warning “Do you think the grim reaper can join me for a walk then?” Botan’s eyes twinkled in delight. She likes Kurama not in a romantic way but she does like him. He is nice and gentle and polite, a complete bishounen gentle man! “Hai!” she said nodding with a smile. They walked for a while until they reached a park with a playground and a bridge connecting it to another park, which is usually for teenagers. Botan sat at the swing and Kurama sat on the other side. They were in a comfortable silence, Botan thinking how everyone seems to have matured a little and Kurama thinking why he suddenly had the urge to drop all the polite impenetrable façade and for once act as his Youko self in front of the deity. He likes Botan but he’d always wondered if it’s better to just leave it like that and be content just being friends. He felt the attraction when he first met her, like a pull of gravity unexplained and undeniable but as he get to know her he couldn’t stop but fall with this bubbly and beautiful grim reaper. He tried to suppress it and act as a normal friend, something is holding him back probably the kitsune in him is still restless and that’s what he always thought but it now puzzles him why its as if suddenly he doesn’t care whether she notice it or not. Botan looks at him, he looks so deep in thought that she can’t help but wonder what is going on with her friends mind when suddenly Kurama realized it and looked at her. “Gomen Botan san did you say something?” Botan shook her head for a no “ I’m just wondering what you’re thinking because you look so lost in space.” She answered giggling. They started talking about Yusuke and Keiko’s upcoming wedding, and they started laughing thinking how Hiei would look if he comes to the wedding wearing a tuxedo. By this time they were walking towards the bridge. Botan heard a fish splashed on the lake and run towards the middle part. She leaned over the rail and saw fireflies floating all around and when she tried to touch one with her hand she accidentally lost her balance and almost fell over the wooden bridge. Kurama held her hand and while his trying to pull here Botan stopped struggling and a blank expression came into her face. Kurama didn’t had a hard time pulling her and when he put her down she slumped into the floor kneeling. “Botan san? Are you ok?” he asked but there was no response. He kneeled beside her and saw that blank expression. He tried shaking her a bit “Botan! Botan answer me!” “No don’t!” she screamed as she started struggling…

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