C3: Main Quest

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C3: Main Quest
Date Written: January 11, 2019


A dark shadow of a creature loomed over me. It's body was made of slimy black liquid. Strangely, they were held together and formed a body that was similar to a snail but just three meters tall in height. It had two tentacles that rose from its body and a huge gaping mouth that produced a low growl for some unknown reason.

<<<Black Slime Authority: 1.5>>

I've played enough games and read a lot of fantasy books to know what kind of monster is a slime. Moreover, I also know that a colored monster had a certain elemental affinity attached to it. However, I never expected to meet one today. I wonder what did 'authority' meant though.

As the black slime approached me, I was still rooted at the spot. However, this is not because I was terrified but rather, I wasn't scared at all. Looking at its slow and wiggly movements, the black slime even looked slightly funny and cute.

Suddenly, its tentacles waved on the air and headed to my direction with great speed. Maybe from the shock or my disgust towards the slimy object, I jumped away quickly and avoided the attack.

I heard a sizzling sound and looked behind me only to see that the thick trunk of the acacia tree already had a small burnt part. It was obviously from the attack just now.

A chill suddenly crept into my spine. I underestimated the monster because of its appearance. If I wasn't able to dodge that attack they I might have suffered injuries by now.

I took a deep breath and stared at the black slime. I tried to calm myself down despite of my fear. I didn't want to die in here due to panic. Anyway, It seems that this black slime's a slowpoke so I can definitely outrun it.

"Bye bye Slimy!" I shouted and turned around before I started to dash off to the distance.

Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of me causing my feet to halt. I read the contents and my face turned pale. Written on the screen were the words...

<<<Main Quest Received>>>

Kill the Spawn of Darkness (Black Slime)

Reward: Inventory (5 slot)
Failure: -10 Points in VIT.
Cannot be abandoned.


As someone who played quite a few MMOs and RPGs before, I would've jumped in joy after I heard that he reward 'Inventory'. However, the word below made my heart turn cold. I stated at the screen for a few seconds and was only woken out from my stupor by the approaching Black Slime.

RPG games have different kinds of quests available inside the game. However, there is certainl kind of quest that couldn't be avoided by the player no matter what. The main quest. It involves completing the storyline and clearing the game.

If only I could abandon the Main Quest then I would've done it already. However, I couldn't. Moreover, the punishment was too severe. I had no doubt that if I received the punishment then I would instantly die from my weak body constitution.

Right now, I already realized what I had to. Kill the black slime! However, it is easier said than done. Not only was this a monster but coupled with my fear, I don't think that I would be able to kill it.

"I don't want to die" I gritted my teeth and muttered those words beneath my breath.

If Lyle could help me with her magic then maybe I could succeed but when I looked at the direction she went to, I couldn't even see her sillhoutte anymore. I was filled with a sense of despair but within me was also unwillingness.

I don't want to be killed by such an idiotic looking monster. Even if I can't kill it then at least I can injure it before I die. Such thoughts appeared on my mind.

I looked for a kind of object near me and isntantly found a pipe. While shaking, I took it and held it in front of me who's currently facing the black slime.

"Aaaah!" a loud cry was released from my mouth as I used all my energy to hit the slime with the pipe. The pipe hit the monster and scattered a few of its slime to the air. Suddenly, a red bar appeared on top of its head.


HP bar, another thing connected to games. The remaining life of a player or a monster can be seen on this bar.

I only did such small amount of damage despite my stats? I glared at the slime with hatred and frustration. The pipe that stuck within its body released a sizzling sound although it barely dealt my damage to the steel material.

While I was surprised by the appearance of the HP bar, I didn't noticed the tentacles of the slime flu towards me. The speed was to fast for any dodging so just as I saw the attack, the tentacles alrwady hit my chest and sent me flying with a great force.

I fell to the ground and had a few scratches on my hands and face. Moreover, there was a stinging pain on my chest. I looked and saw that my uniform was already torn to shreds or rather, melted. There was also my burnt skin that made me shiver from both pain and fear. It wasn't big but the impact caused by the current situation made me quickly lose hope.

"Aah!" I let out a grunt of pain after I tried to stand up. I just noticed it but an HP bar also appeared next to me right now.

<<<HP: 15/20>>>

Strong! If I get hit three more times then I would really die. What made us so different in our strengths? Was it our stats or maybe our authority? Such questions appeared on my mind. However, there's no one here to answer them.

I gritted my teeth and endured be pain. Although there's already no more hope, I didn't want to give up just like this.

Then the leaves of the trees above rustled which startled me and he black slime. A familiar figure fell and landed on the ground with the grace of a leopard. There stood Lyle with an impatient expression. She waved her hand and threw suddenly threw something at me.

"Wha?!" I barely caught the object that she just threw. It was a shiny transparent crystal that shone when the sunlight fell into into it. When I observed more carefully, I found out that there were actually some
strange runes inside.

"Place it near your wound. I'll take the spoils of the slime as the compensation for the help" she said and waved her hand before she jumped and disappeared to the trees once again.

She didn't directly help me but this crystal should already be a form of help already. I dont know what this crystal do but I immediately placed it near my bleeding chest without hesitation.

With the sound of a bell, the crystal glowed and then faded. My mind went blank for a second and memories of something I didn't know of before enter my mind. A screen then appeared which told me just what happened.

<<<You have learned the skill, Strengthen!>>>

Strengthen-a skill that can increase the power of a weapon.


A skill, that's the help that Lyle gave me. With the black slime approaching, I didn't hesitate and immediately casted the <<<Strengthen>>> skill which I mysteriously managed to learn his to cast and charged towards the enemy.


Another chapter finished. I hope you liked it! I hope you'll leave a comment or a vote though Hehehe!

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