Chapter 4. A visit from my one true destiny... begins at hospital?

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Chapter 4.

A visit from my one true destiny... begins at hospital?

"Mr.Brown? Are you coming to, Mr. Brown?"

A soft feminine voice rang out into my ears. I groaned, my head felt like it was infested with hyped up rabbits, armed with hammers, smashing on my skull. My eyes fluttered open.


Everything was white.

My gaze landed on the warm smiling face of a women, at least 10 years older than me, with shimmering auburn hair and shimmering brown eyes.


I groaned. She simply smiled and leaned in, speaking clearly and pronouncing each word as if I was nearly deaf.

"Hello, Mr. Brown. You've finally come to, I see. One of the villagers found you unconscious at the edge of peer."

Now I remembered. The dragon imprint in the clouds. I saw a dragon. Hadn't I?

Ugh. If I had been feeling better, I would have slapped myself right then and there. A dragon. Seriously, Tom? I swear you get more gullible by the day. I hissed at myself then attempted a weak smile at the nurse.

"I don't think... I've uh... eaten today. That must've been why. Sorry."

I stumbled over my words lamely, giving a sheepish smile. She smiled back at me, polite and warm. But I had seen that smile before. She was just like the rest. The smile was fake, forced.

"The doctor said you were all clear, so if you gather you're things you're free to leave."

Yeah, wouldn't you just love that. It took everything I had not to spit the words out at her with a glare that had bite to match.

After I had gathered my things and quickly left the hospital, I found myself deep in thought, not concentrating on where I was headed, completely unaware of where I was. Well, that was until a silky smooth, rich voice swam into my ears live a heavenly angelic being.

"Come. Come and see me Tom. I've waited for so long to see you."

My head snapped up and my eyes darted around. No one. I was alone. I found myself outside the White gates, the ocean to my right, the never ending green hills about 10 minutes walk ahead of me.

I imagined that, right?

"Tom. Please, don't keep me waiting any longer."

I shivered, my senses tingling with... excitement? Worry? Bone chilling fear? I could't really tell. But there was no one around me, absolutely no one. Then a small movement caught my eye, up on the grassy hill, high above where the village sat, was the shadow from before. The shadow that ahd left the imprint in the clouds.

But this time it wasn't an imprint. It was the real thing. Landing on the top of the hill, its giant yet ellagent wings flapping as it landed, then folded neatly against its back. I felt my head spin, my blood run cold. I thought I was going to throw up.

Then I realized I was walking. Walking towards the long, winding footpath's that left me up through the hills and feilds and up onto the giant grassy hill, where the beast awaited.

I couldn't stop myself. By the time I had reached the grassy hilltop, I was shaking with fear, beside myself with nerves and slowly bringing myself round to the idea I was either dreaming, had been drugged or was going insane.

There she sat. The most luxurious shades of purple, lilac, amethyst and other shades of purple, all silky and velvet, shimmering off her scales.

I didn't know how I knew it was a she, I guess just her beauty, but I knew deep down that... I just knew... like I'd known her.

I wasn't as freaked out as I thought I'd be... seeing a dragon, and all. I think the old man from the White Gates with the sad eyes startled/scared me more, standing there calmly, patting the dragons side affectionately.

The dragons long neck turned slowly towards me, her startling Emerald eyes sparkling as they met mine with an instant promise. An instant trust.

"Well hi there, Tom. I think I can finally tell you the rest of that story now. Once you have introduced yourselves, of course."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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