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I continued to walk through the forest, still unsure of where I was heading to. Every once and a while I would see the great Kapok, and I knew I was heading in the wrong direction.

After quite a while of walking, I turned around a tree and walked into a boy, an attractive one. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't get my finger on it. "Who are you?!" I snapped, only just realizing that he was butt naked. "And are you single?" I added with a smirk, observing his bare junk.

"No need to stare." The boy chuckled. "And I'm Calum, Calum Hood. I don't know if you've heard of me, I'm just a wolf." His eyes traveled my body; all the way down to my toes. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I realized who this boy is.

"Fuck." I leaned on a tree that towered beside me. "So you're out here to kill me, huh? Just like all the other wolves." The boy gave a confused look until his eyes widened and he took a step back.

"No! Definitely not. I'm just.. I.." He sighed afterwards, running his hands over his face. "I'm out here to help you."

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed. "Why would you help me? Especially after what we had!" I screamed at him.


"What?! Are you seriously out here to help me, the half blood? Even though years ago, we had that connection? We were like two peas in a pod until you found out about my true blood. Half blood, the girl you can't trust all because she's different!?"

"Paz! Shut up! Please, trust that I did, I loved you. But when the village found out, I couldn't continue to. I would be an outcast, a freak. People would see me as a monster, Paz. So please, calm down!"

"Don't you dare tell me to shut up, Cal! And don't tell me that you loved me, because we both know that you're lying to my face." I spat. I decided that I couldn't take looking at him nude, so I conjured a pair of jeans - just big enough to fit him - to cover up his junk. But I could still see his lovely abs, and that's all that really mattered.

"Fuck, Paz. Shut up." Calum ignored my trick and sped towards me, engulfing me in a tight hug. I gasped at the bare skin against me, but soon decided to lean into him and run my hands up his toned torso.



"Calum! Wait, who the fuck is that?" I heard a voice boom from a safe distance and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking up and seeing two very attractive men, one was far too familiar for my liking.

After he hugged me, Calum decided to lay down, with me of course. He just held me and i layed my head on his toned abs. He played with my hair, and thanked me for the pants. He didn't go into much interrogation of how I did it, because he knew about my inner witch.

"Huh? Oh, Michael!" Calum carefully sat up, trying hard to not hurt me. I groaned and got up, rubbing my eyes and looking at this Michael boy and his accomplice, Luke. The boy from earlier. "This is Paz, she's another wolf." Calum glanced at me and gave me a small smile, hugging me again and kissing the top of my head.

"Wait, Paz! You said you were single?!" Luke snapped at me, narrowing his eyes. I rolled mine and stood up, walking over to him.

"I am. Well, I was?" I hesitated, looking at Calum. He shrugged and shook him head, signalling that it was a no. "Nevermind, I am. And even if I wasn't single, it's none of your fucking business whether I am or not. So back the fuck up and leave me alone."

"There's no need to be a bitch, Paz! I cared about you, until you walk-"

"Until I what, Luke? Until I walked away? Or until you let me walk away? Just because i'm a fucking half blood. What the hell is wrong you people?!" I snapped. Luke opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He just shut it again and slouched.

"Wait, this is Paz?!" Michael exclaimed, wide eyed. "Okay, you told me she was beautiful. But you didn't say she was this fucking hot!"

"Alright, what exactly is happening right now?" Calum piped up. He stood and sighed, stalking over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Paz, I assume you already know Luke. So this is Michael, he's a vampire and he's a good friend." He explained.

"Yeah, I know Luke very well. And hello mister Michael, i've never met a vampire before?" I said. Michael grinned and held out a hand for me to shake.

"Well, i've never met a half blood before, so you know.. lets call it even?"

"Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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