A smirk played at my lips and I listened to Xander speak, his voice booming over the hollow space that was filled with intrigued and happy wolves. This was perfect, he was going to ask me to do the honor. I just knew it, he wouldn't ask Rihanna. Paz would have all power over Rihanna, and i'm not saying that to be mean. Paz is definitely strong, considering she some quite a lot of damage to me earlier. 

"She is a menace, she must be stopped. All half bloods are nuisances, but I have never in my life layed my eyes upon more of a death wish in my life." Xander growled. A smile was growing on every single wolves' mouth by now, along with mine. I loved where this was going. "And there are some of us who support these types of wolves. Heaven knows why, but that is their opinion. But, they will either stand with us and fight or get in the way and get killed. Because this is war, not only against Paz, but against every blasted half blood out there.

"We must gather our best warriors, with the sharpest teeth and the most menacing snarl. Those nuisances will not go down without a fight." The chants of the supporters gained volume and I chanted along, 'Kill the half blood' rolling off my tounge. Rihanna furrowed her eyebrows together and turned to her father, whispering something that was completely incoherent. Xander turned back to her and shook his head, mumbling something that obviously hurt Rihanna's feelings.

"I've already chosen the one who willead us, as I am old. And I am frail." Xander continued. "I assume all of you know of Flinn, the one Paz attacked earlier. He shall be the leader of the one's to slaughter the girl." Barks and howls filled the hollow log of the tree and I sneer to myself, the thought of this privilege is far beyond any I had previously dreamed.

"Calm, now. Calm! I know you're all excited, but we have a long time ahead of us. We cannot just jump straight in and attack, we need a plan. And without that plan, we could all be in for a big surprise." My eyes traveled around the room, observing the sneers and the baring teeth. For a moment, I couldn't tell who or what it was. But something had stopped me, and a growl slowly creeped to my face. For a moment, everything seemed still and frozen except for the sun. The sun that slowly crawled towards dusk. The familiar eyes pierced into my soul as I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows.

It was the half blood.


The eyes. The golden speckled ones that I cannot stand to look at, they spotted me. My dirty business was done and he had discovered my evesdropping. I couldn't breathe for a split second as my shadow moved ever so slowly against the hard wood of the hollow oak. The whole pack. Up against me. I took all the information in and did the one thing that quickly came to mind.


And I did, I ran faster than I ever had. With the possibility that they were abandoning any plans of training to hunt me down right now, I didn't want to make any stupid choices. So I ran and I ran until my breath hitched and I could no longer move my tired legs. My breath was heavy as I observed my surroundings, giving me the disability to calm down.

Suddenly, I heard russling. Behind me, footsteps were heard. And I fretted to turn and figure out who or what it was.

But I did.

And I did not know who I was staring at, but I liked him. His broad shoulders and his messily styled hair. He had ocean blue eyes and a small metal ring on his bottom lip. He was definitely something, seeing as he had his wings out in his human form. 

I yelped at his beauty, and a small whimper left my lips, "Who are you?" 

The boy unexpectedly laughed and knelt down, a cheerful glint in his eye. I cocked my head to the side as he put out his hand to pet me. "A friend." He simply stated. "You can change, you know. Into your alterno." He used a term for the alternate state that I had never heard before, an alterno. It was different, very different. I didn't quite understand it. 

"If by alterno you mean my human form, then no. I cannot." I let the words leave my mouth, I had no reason not to transform. "I mean, I can. But i'd rather not." 


"Because when a wolf changes they change to a completely naked state." I blurted, mentally face palming afterwards. That was literally the biggest load of bullshit I had ever let slip out of my motuh. 

A giggle left the boy's mouth and he smirked at me, his features eluminated by the setting sun. "You and I both know that that is a lie, sweetheart. Now, why won't you transform?" He stood up and folded his arms. His very faint wings sparkled in the light of dusk and he looked absolutely gorgeous. 

"I'll change right now if you tell me who you are, and why you have your wings out." I said.

"Alright then, i'm Luke Hemmings and I didn't even know I had my wings out." He furrowed his eyebrows together as he squinted, suddenly allowing his wings to hide away. The colour of them matched his eyes, exactly like every pixie or fairy out there. It was just a well known fact.

So, standing by my word, I quickly let out a breath and forced my body to change. Slowly letting my legs lead me forward as they morphed into my long human ones. My paws turned into my alternate ones along with my torso, head and fur. My human form is actually quitre attractive, if I do say so myself.

"Well then, that was dramatic." Luke grinned, and for the first time in a very long time, i let out a bubbly little laugh.

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