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pAtRiCk wAs sIttInG oN tHe kItChEn fLoOr bUrIeD iN a pIlE oF cOoKiEs

tHeN, hIs mOm aNdy wAlks iNtO tHe rOoM aNd sAys "wHaT iN tHe nAme oF gEoRgE rYaN rOsS tHe tHiRd aRe yOu dOinG?!?!?

pAtRicK, mOuTh fULL oF cOoKiEs sAys "wHaT dOeS iT lOoK lIke lAdY?!?!?!?!?"

aNdY sAys "aLrIgHt bIg bOy tHaTs eNouGh!!"

tHeN pApA pEtE wAlKs iNtO tHe rOoM wIth pAtRiCkS bRoThEr jOe

aNd patRiCk sTaRtS eAting cOoKiEs wHiLe rOlLiNg aRoUnD oN tHe fLooR cRyInG hYsTeRiCaLLy fRoM wHaTeVer tHe hELL wAs iN tHosE cOoKiEs

"iLL gEt tHe mOp", sAyS mAmA aNdY

"iLL gEt tHe hAnD sAniTiZeR" rEpLiEs pApA pEtE 

jOe jOinS iN wiTh paTriCk 

liTtLe dO wE kNoW pAtriCk aNd jOe wErE nEvEr rEaL pEoPle


jUsT sTiCks oF mY mOmS lOw fAt uNsAlTed bUtTer

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