yOuLL bE fInE sEbAsTiAn jEsUs cHrIsT

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remington: hAhAhHAhHAHAhahAHAhHa

emerson: rEmInGtOn sTop iT iTs nOt fUnNy *laughs like a dying hyena*

sebastian: *is crying hysterically because is frickin finger fell off*

remington: sEbAsTiAn yOu don't hAvE a fInGeR aHaHaAhhaHAhHAHaha

sebastian: wAAAAAAaAaaaAAAAAAAAh

emerson: hOw wIlL yOu dO tHe gUiTaR???

sebastian: *tapes a stick to his finger* sEE dUmdUm!?!?!?!?!?

remington: stop crying you'll be fine. (haha jokessssssssss)

from there on out, palaye royale had an extra member. millie, the stick taped to sebastians finger.

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