eighteen ☆ marcus lancaster

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narrator's pov:

the guys and the girls met up by the food court, and they all greeted each other with hugs. zach and chloe smiled at each other, and hugged as tight as possible.

"so... shopping?" stella suggested.

everyone agreed, and headed around the mall. the first stop was urban outfitters, the favorite store of the majority of the group.

every breath you take, every move you make.

when the song played, zach and chloe's heads instantly popped up. they looked around the store, trying to find each other.

"this is the song that was played when we were dancing," chloe remarked.

zach lightly chuckled, and pulled chloe into a hug, "i love you."

"i love you more," chloe whispered into his ear.

"okay, lovebirds, break it up," lake scoffed, walking in between the two of them.

"hey..." zach whined.

"i can't find anything, so can we go somewhere else?" stella asked.

everyone else agreed, and were headed to another store.


"can we please go to zumiez?" violet begged.

"yes, i love zumiez," jack agreed.

"zumiez? since when do you shop at zumiez?" sadie asked.

"since over the summer. i started learning how to skate. i'm not good at it, but it's super fun," violet explained.

"i love to skate, too," jack said.

"whoa, they have something in common!" lake dramatically gasped.

jack and violet headed into zumiez, eager to look at the skateboards.

in the end, the two bought brand new boards and were both excited.

"you know, violet, i could teach you how to skate. i'm a pro if i do say so myself," jack said, brushing his shoulders at the end.

"sure, a skating lesson from the famous jack avery wouldn't be so bad," violet laughed.

the two walked out of the store, and now they were all on their way to another store.

"how about h&m?" corbyn suggested, pointing to the store in front of them.

everyone nodded, and headed into the store.


"is that who i think it is?" stella whispered, pointing to a dark-haired guy.

"yeah, i think it's him, too. should we tell chloe?" lake asked.

"tell me what?" chloe inquired, joining the conversation.

"um, i think that's marcus," stella disclosed, subtly pointing to the guy shopping just a few feet away from them.

chloe took a further look, "yeah, i think it is."

"who's that, and why do you guys keep pointing at him?" corbyn joined in.

"can we tell him?" stella queried.

chloe nodded her head, and continued to shop with sadie and lake as stella told corbyn.

"that's marcus lancaster. him and chloe had a thing all throughout sophomore year. but, she found out that he was cheating on her for months, and she was so heartbroken. she went through a really depressing state, and she wouldn't eat lunch or want to get out of the house. it started to get better over the summer, but we all knew she was still hurt," stella explained.

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