4 | Gathering Information

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    When they left the farm, Kael showed how much the town of Paraiba had changed since Kly had last visited. He showed him the new school that had been built three years ago, the new homes that were built around for the past few years, and the new renovations the magistor made to his house in the middle of the town, which also served as a loan center.

    They stopped near the magistor's house, in the shadow of its grandeur.

    "Well, this is it," Kael said with a small sneer. "You can almost smell them from a mile away."

    Kly let out a small laugh. He had heard that the magistor was just as much of a spoiled brat as his son was, but he was here on business and letting such notions get in the way of his work was not in his work ethics. "Let's go, then, buddy. Better to be done with this, right?"

    Kael nodded with a smile, and Kly greeted a small man sitting behind the table that served as a counter for loans. He noticed the nametag, Stonry, on the man's shirt.

    "I'm here to see Magistor Rewin," Kly said, letting a little authority seep into his voice. "Is he home?"

    The wiry man huffed and glared up at Kly, probably disliking the assertive tone Kly used.

    "And who are you?" he spat. The man's grating voice contrasted sharply with his mousy appearance. Kly surmised rocco leaves were the culprit. Ever since the plant had been imported from Jornac, it had become a common pastime for many.

    "Kly Smaradine — code: Black Scorpion — coming under the authority of the Saphir Caster Organisation to investigate blighter attacks in the town." To prove his identity, Kly pulled out his license and slid it to the man.

    Stonry flipped open the license, still looking sceptical about Kly's claim. When he saw Kly's insignia, he grunted and returned it to the caster.

    "The magistor is in the house. Hold on."

    Stonry reported Kly's request to see the magistor through a bronze tube that connected to the house. When he got a reply, he led the brothers around the loan center and to a side door that had been renovated to look like the front.

    The steward made his leave without another word, and Magistor Rewin stepped outside to greet them.

    Magistor Rewin Weinston was a large man with an even larger presence. At Kly's arrival, he grandly opened his door as if inviting the king himself and bellowed a welcome.

    "Ah, if it isn't the Black Scorpion himself! Welcome, welcome! Let me serve you some tea."

    Kly smiled easily despite the twinge of dislike hovering at the back of his mind. "Thank you, but I already had enough tea for the day. Water will be just fine."

    The magistor's blue-grey eyes trailed to Kael and for a second, his expression turned sour. It was masked with a convincing smile, however, and Kly would have thought he was imagining things if he hadn't known the magistor for so long. The years had done little to change him. "Little Kael! Escorting your brother, I see. What a nice chap you are."

    Kael scooted near Kly as if to hide himself. "Yes sir," he said. His eyes darted around as if to look for something.

    Or someone, Kly thought, sweeping his gaze for Rewin's son. The magistor led his guests into his grand home, not restraining himself from showing off his immense wealth through golden statuettes and rare animal skins.

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