note 60

220 7 0

dear hyunjin,

Hi! How are you for the past days? I'm sorry if I wasn't able to greet you a happy holiday when Christmas and Year end came. I'm sorry if I wasn't with you to celebrate those important events. Ahm.. Did you, see her? I mean, Skyller? She's in our class, she said she wanted to see you, so, I ahm, let her pretended to be me, for awhile? I mean, I won't really be able to go to school since I'm sick. So, I let her. Did you, see her? Did you think of her as me? I mean, of course you would, right? I mean, we are twins, and have the exact face, so you will probably think of her as me. Hyunjin-ah, mianhae...


[voiceless] • Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now