3: Fall

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It was my mom's birthday the next day and I decided to cook for her. I wasn't really the type to do cheesy stuff but it wouldn't hurt, right? Besides, I wanted to show her that I appreciated her working so hard to make up for Dad's loss. I didn't plan on doing anything fancy. cooking isn't exactly my thing but I can cook okay. I listed everything I needed then headed out to the grocery store. 

I tossed the ingredients into the trolley, crossing out things from my to-buy list. When I was sure I got everything I needed, I pushed the trolley towards the counter. My phone rang so I searched my pocket, still pushing the trolley. "Aaaah!" Someone said in pain as I felt the trolley hit him or her. Bummer! I rushed to my victim and apologized, "I'm so sor-" He looked up and recognition hit me. Man was his face priceless. I'm pretty sure I wore the same expression of shock. 

Except his expression turned pained as he held his left arm with his right. An employee approached him and assisted him to the clinic. I quickly paid for the groceries then followed them. During my walk to the clinic, all I wanted to do was run off and pretend like that day never happened. Like I never ran into (literally) him. But I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully if I had done that.

Upon reaching the clinic, the doctor was telling him that he had no broken bones but he did pull a muscle badly. We walked to the parking lot and when I realized that he couldn't drive, I motioned for him to get in my car. I owed him. We drove in silence, not awkward silence, just silence. When we reached a traffic light, he asked, "Isn't is Lauren's birthday tomorrow?" That made me hit the brakes too hard. He bit his lip in pain at the impact. I'm sorry but was this guy for real? He remembered my mom's birthday when I could barely remember his.

"I'm sorry." I said softly. "For?" he asked. "For pushing the breaks too hard." "Rey, that was five minutes ago." I didn't have the guts to say that I was sorry for pushing him away the past year. Instead I said, "You can come tomorrow.Mom will be thrilled to see you." He looked genuinely happy as he replied, "I'll be there."

When I went home after dropping him off, I saw Seth sitting on our front porch. I got out of the car and took the bags of groceries from me. While I was opening the door, I asked,"So what's with the long face?" "Huh?" he asked distractedly. We got inside the house as he explained, "I received an e-mail from my former best friend's friend. She was telling me how I am a jerk for leading my former best friend on. I don't get it."

"You are a jerk." I decided. "I am?" he asked clearly not getting the point."You must have given your former best friend a reason to fall for you. I can't understand why guys like you make girls fall when you don't even intend to catch them when they do!" He still looked confused. Zayum, maybe he really didn't intend to do that. Why are some guys just clueless that the little things they do melt the hearts of girls? Oh yeah, because they are guys. Figures.

I gave up trying to make him understand. I opened the fridge and tossed him a bottle of juice. He looked surprised at my act of pity. He stated, "You're doing it, Audrey." My forehead wrinkled in confusion. "What you said a while ago. Why are you making me fall? You don't even intend to catch me." I threw another bottle at him and he winced as a bump began to form in his forehead.

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