4: Unwell

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         I spent the night tossing, turning, and sneezing in bed. I blew my nose and tossed another piece of kleenex into the trash can. Ugh stupid allergies. Right then,  I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I stepped out in the balcony and gazed at the night sky. There was an abundant number of stars that night.

         I watched as the neighbor's lights turned out one by one.  The Price's lights went out, too. I felt a pang of jealousy at the thought that they'd all be sleeping well that night. Thank Goodness we had no classes or else I'd be a walking zombie in school. A flash of light made me look down to the street. Ho behold! Seth was standing there with a mischievous smile.

        "Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair!" he imitated. "Why?" I said. "Oh Audrey.. It's okay that you're not the brightest tool in the shed. You're still my Pwetty Audwey." Says Scooby-doo. "Go home, Seth. Unless you want me to scream rape." He laughed sarcastically and stubbornly said, "Just let me up. I want to star-gaze." "Are you kidding me? You've got a rooftop all to yourself." I said, point at their huge house. He pouted and folded his arms.

        That's when I noticed that he was wearing pyjama pants with a shirt. Like "pyjamas pyjamas". His was designed with cars. I decided not to comment on it and said instead, "Treat me to Greenville Fries." I stood up on the balcony railings. His eyes grew wide. "What on earth are you doing?" "Uh going down there? It's just a few feet high." I jumped into his arms then pushed myself to the ground.

        I felt a sneeze coming so I asked for a hanky. He took out a hanky from his pocket and handed it to me. Achoo! "Aaaw that's okay, Audwey." he said. We walked to Greenville Fries and ordered a large serving with extra cheese. "Oh thank God for fries!" I exclaimed. "How dare you associate God with unhealthy food, Audrey!" he pretended to look offended. 

        "Why aren't you eating?" I asked him. "I will *he cleared his throat and took out his phone* but first lemme take a selfie." He posed and took a shot. Vain. When I was halfway through the fries, I asked curiously, "Why are you like that?" "Why am I like what?" he said. "Like bright and sunny all the time." "I'm not Audwey. I get cloudy and rainy too. But when you learn to laugh at things, that's when you become stronger."

        I ate a fry and stated, "I didn't know you were such a melodramatic person." "You should try it some time." he stuck out his tongue. "I miss my dad." I said as-a-matter-of-factedly. He was genuinely surprised. "Audwey.." he said not knowing what to say. I laughed. "It's okay, Seth. You told me to try so I did." He gave me a look. I raised an eyebrow as I ate a handful of fries.

        We ordered milk shakes - chocolate for him, strawberry for me. "So what do you like doing?" he said when it was his turn to ask a question. "Drawing." "Ooo. That's nice. You should draw me! Yes yes!" "That'd be a hundred bucks." "Wow. The only things that're missing are dollar signs on your eyes and you'd be the epitome of money."

        He asked for paper and pencil from the server. I told him to do a semi-profile view. It took me half an hour to draw his face. I told him to keep his mouth shut the whole time "so that my drawing would be accurate". He actually listened and I took the silence to my advantage and focused on my job on hand.

        It was 3am by the time we reached the neighborhood. When we were outside my house, I took out the key from my pocket. "Seriously? You just had to give me a heart attack by doing the stunt earlier?" he said incredously. "You're going to be the death of me." he continued. "Go home, Seth." she said and closed the door. "Thank you.."


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