6: Or Not

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        I was watching NCIS when Mom opened the door revealing a smiling Xavier. My mom gushed and engulfed the boy in a bear hug. Xavier laughed and hugged her back. I walked to them and fist-bumped with Xav. "Okay, darlings. I'll prepare for lunch." We sat on the sofa and I asked him, "So, what was it you wanted to give me?" He scratched the back of his neck, looked at his watch, and replied, "Uh.." I waited expectantly.

        Ding dong! I opened the door and was taken aback with a hug. "I can't breathe." I managed to say. "Oh. Sorry." he said, loosening a bit but didn't let go. I wasn't hugging him back. I was kinda mad for him letting me cry the night before. But not really. He finally let go and I folded my arms signalling him to explain. He looked to his feet. "Are you blushing?" I stated-more-than-asked. Xavier laughed hard. I actually forgot he was there.

        He looked mock-angrily at Xavier and then turned to me. "Audwey..Uh I'm sorry for being such a girl last night." "I'll ignore the fact that you implied how girls are overly dramatic." "That wasn-" I waved my hand in dismissal of his protest. He dropped his shoulders in defeat and continued explaining, "Actually, I don't really want to go back to New York." He stopped talking. "That's it?" "Uh yeah?" Xavier walked to where we were and smacked him lightly in the head.

        "Ow! What was that for?" "That's for being such a scaredy cat and making Audrey cry." "I cried?" I pretended. Xavier cut me off, "And for not telling her how much you love her." "Like! Like was the word I used, Xavie-Damn." Oh. We both looked at Xavier to see him smiling in victory. Our "little" chat was interrupted by my mom calling us for lunch. 


Time. People say you gotta know a person at least a year to really get to know them. Well, that's true. At some points. But sometimes, there are people who come into your life and after even a little while, you feel like you've already known them your whole life. It's like when you're with them, you know you don't have to try so hard to be ethical or things like that. It's like they have this "changing" effect on you that won't leave you the same forever. So I guess the theory was proven by Seth. 

Author's Note: So it's done! So.. This ending is so unplanned but as I was writing this chapter, I just felt like I had to end it already. I also decided not to kill Seth because I just couldn't. But from now on, I'll do some editing and adding filler chapters. I know it was just another cliche but still thanks. Haha. 

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