Chapter 2:Your next!

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Jack's thoughts-Im awake. Tied to a chair...Chair? Why am I tied up.In.A.Chair? Eh,whatever,I turned into a squid and slipped out. As I look in the location I see an old cabin. Then I see a buliton board with old,ripped faded away pictures of tentacle things. As I look around I see a man hole. Yes! My way out! Now I can leave this...this...FLOATING AREA? What in the CARP is going on?! I kept thinking and thinking. Soon I tripped and fell on my face........"Ouch"

Marie-Oof,looked like that hurts

Callie-You ok? Didn't chipped a tooth

Jack-Ah?! Callie? Marie? Its-Its-

Marie-Autographs for later. We need to talk squido

Jack-Talk? 'Bout what? Im pretty sure my girlfriend is worried sick about me!

Callie-Oh yeah,your Octoling girl? We left a friendly note

Marie-You did it right this time?

Callie-Of course. I've made a copy just in case

Marie takes it and reads it

Marie-We took your boyfriend for something that defently won't get him hurt or killed in any way?! What is wrong with you? That sounds like a squidnaping slash murder!


Jack(grouchy)-*Long sigh* Please explain why Im here in this-

Callie-This is good ol' Octovalley

Jack-This place looks horrible. What happen here?

Marie-Someone we know saved inkopolis two years ago

Callie-Soon the Octarians fled and abandon this place. They left their old technology,vehicles,armor,and worst of all the Octo weapons

Marie-Just yesterday they took our plans to upgrade our weapons and defenses. We need someone like you to get em back

Jack(stubborn)-Why me? Im just an average "Jo" squid. I have no skill in battle....

Callie-LIES! We know who you are,we know who made your master blaster weapon. With that you are guarantied to help

Marie-SO! What do ya say?

Jack's thoughts-These squid chicks are nuts! Like WTF why would they break into my home and squid-napped me? *sighs* Well I have no choice...





Jack-Nope...not gonna do- *SLAPPED*

Marie violently slaps Jack in the face and grabs his shirt

Marie-Listen to me,either your a dead inkling or a ghost,you are going to help us...YOU UNDERSTAND!

Jack(Freaked out)-AH ok ok ok! I'll do it,jeez...

Marie lets go of him

Marie-Yay! A new member of the Squid break SPLATOON's

Callie covers her mouth in shock and fright

Callie-Congrats,question mark?

Jack's thoughts-Phycopaths! Because of them,what am I going to tell Jackie?

(Hey! Guess who's back! Sorry for the delay and short chapter,I have to do something offline for awhile...But hey,the story well never end right here!)

Splatoon-Caring an Octoling---The Story Continues (Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now