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"attack you? now why would i do that?" the wolf tilted her head to the side, a puzzled look visible on her face

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"attack you? now why would i do that?" the wolf tilted her head to the side, a puzzled look visible on her face. the two sat by a small pond, having left to get a drink. the deer was beyond surprised, shocked even at what she had just heard. she must of heard wrong.

no way was this wolf standing, or more like sitting, before her had no interest on feasting on her bones. that's what wolves ─ no, predators did, and last time she checked wolves were predators, while she was prey. drinking from the pond, the deer waited for her to finish, absolutely speechless.

was she just playing a trick on her, and would tell her "just kidding" and then it would be over...? but, for some reason, it didn't seem like a trick. but, then again how could she be telling the truth...? she was a wolf. the deer was hesitant, feeling completely on edge.

though, she couldn't help but think, if the wolf had wanted to kill her, then why hasn't she done it yet? in fact, if she didn't know any better, she'd say that the wolf had no intentions in killing her. she had actually cared to her wound, not even a fellow prey would do that. while predators often worked together, for prey it was everybody for themselves.

it was a little harsh, she had to admit, but nobody wanted to become somebody's meal. so while the wolf wasn't acting like a proper predator, she wasn't exactly acting like a prey either. "yushu," the sudden voice snapped the deer out of her thoughts, startling her too. "wh-what...?"

the wolf had finished drinking, lifting her head she wiped her mouth and looked at her, making her tense up. just something about the way she looked at her ─ no, it was her eyes, her eyes is what was freaking her out. she gulped, her body stiffening up.

"yushu, my name's yushu."

oh... she slightly calmed down, but was still nervous and on edge, as if she was expecting something to happen. the wolf tilted her head to the side when all she recieved was silence, "aren't you going to tell me your name...? i thought you already figured out i don't want to hurt you."

don't want to, not won't. something about the way she said it just didn't sound right. "k...kitai, my name's kitai," she ended up replying, not quite sure why. then again, it was just her name. "kitai... it suits you," she was surprised by the compliment, even more by the soft smile she recieved, even though it was only small.

she continued to question the wolf's ─ or yushu's intentions, which was confusing. it really did seem like she didn't plan on hurting her like she had expected, but then... what was she planning to do with her? she had already healed her injured leg, and was taking pretty good care of her. though, she couldn't help but wonder, why...?

"why are you doing this?"

she had spoken without thinking, but then again she would of said it anyways. the wolf, or yushu, had turned away, but turned her head back and looked at her. her tail slowly moved across the soft grass they sat on, and her tears slightly twitched. she tilted her head to the side again. "huh?"

seriously? kitai couldn't help but be slightly annoyed. "what do you have planned with me? why aren't you doing what every other predator would have done? why haven't you killed me yet?" she hadn't realized, but as she spoke she had moved closer to the wolf, and had even started to glare at her.

what a weird situation she was stuck in, asking why a predator wasn't killing her, as if she wanted that to happen. when she realized how close she was and what she was saying, her eyes widened and she quickly moved back. their faces were just inches apart, and she covered her mouth with a hand in embarrassment. though, the wolf didn't seem fazed at all, to her surprise.

though, she noticed that both her ears and tail were now standing up, and she wondered if she had just doomed herself. 'i don't actually want to die!' she thought, thinking that she had just made a grave mistake, to her, yushu looked angry to her, she couldn't tell by her expression but more by her ears and tail.

then, she saw yushu getting up, and her breath hitched. why did she have to lose her temper all of a sudden, for no reason? she really was going to die, right now. she wished that there would be at least one person who would miss her after this, but she knew all too well that was something impossible.

seeing yushu walking over to her, kitai closed her eyes and braced herself. she kinda wished that she would of lived a little longer, she wasn't a kid but she was still young. though, it wasn't like there was anything she could do to stop this. wolves usually attacked the neck, so this was really going to hurt.

she gulped when she heard the footsteps stopped, and she felt her heart racing. part of her told her to move out of the way, and to not accept death so easily, she was acting like a coward she thought. though the other part of her told her that it was already too late for that, and that she should just accept death like she was. 'it happens to the best of us' she thought, 'hardly anyone dies a natural death, it's always killed by a predator'

she waited, and waited... but, to her surprise, nothing came, nothing happened. she felt not even a hint of pain, to her immense confusion. what was taking so long...? slowly and hesitantly she opened her eyes, what could of made the wolf stop before taking her life?

"you really are stubborn."

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