You're a Wizard

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The Castle of Hogwarts is huge. Upon a landscape, it appears to be a giant rock cutting through the lush green hills. It was dark out so it was easy to see the lights from the school's windows, twinkling in an inviting manner. As I stepped into the castle I was in awe of the structure of the castle as well as the design. The walls of granite spiraled up in what seemed like a never ending path. The staircases move according to themselves, rearranging as if they were living like the rest of us. Paintings covered the wall in an order that seemed so abstract but also beautiful. The most strange thing was that these paintings were talking, to each other and the students. This place was definitely not Ilvermorny. "Come on", Luna drags me forward, "it's embarrassing to see a 4th still marveling at the castle interior." "It's not my 4th year.", I laughed a little, letting Luna pull me along towards the rest of the 4th years. Before we were able to reach the group, a very tall man stopped in front of us. "Ms. Lovegood?", the man asked. I looked up at him, noticing the brown beard in full. He was a very large man (not to be rude -just making an observation) with a smile on his face and kind brown eyes. "Yes?"; Luna and I responded at the same time. "Oh, I mean Leta Lovegood", he laughed, "it's going to hard to tell the two of you apart now that there's two of you, eh." I don't see what he means. Luna and I were completely different. Where she had long curly blond hair, I had shoulder-length straight brown hair. Where she had the dazzling blue eye gene, I had the full brown eyes. Where she was quite tall, I was a midget. Where she was sweet and insightful, I was sarcastic and witty. I guess he only means out last names. "Well Luna, nice to see you again." , he smiles widely, revealing rotten yellow teeth turned in too many directions to consider eating safe, "As for the other Ms. Lovegood here, I am Rubeus Hagrid, teacher of the care of magical creatures course as well as assistant and best friend to Professor Dumbledore himself."
"It's nice to finally meet you.", he reaches out to shake my hand. Finally? "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Hagrid.", I smile and shake his hand. "So it's come to my attention that this is your first year. I mean if not that'd means I'd forgotten a student... That's never good.", he grumbles more to himself than me. "But the point is that you're here and you need to be sorted. So, we're going to sort you with the first years." Oh no, they'll laugh at me -a "4th year"- being sorted with a bunch of much younger children. "I hope that's no consolation.", he says, not really asking for my opinion. What else could I say but, "Not at all."

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