Easy Come, Easy Go

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We were almost at Hogwarts, according to Draco. He had stayed with me the rest of the ride. We practiced magic, ate our weight in chocolate from the trolley, and laughed until our throats were sore. I realize our friendship was quick, but we did our best to stay off of more heavy topics like family, so it's not like I had trusted him with my life secrets. We talked about our friends though, and the fact that we both didn't have any -any real ones at least. He told me of this Wizard Harry Potter. I had never heard of Harry Potter before, and when I told Draco that he seemed a lot happier. Harry Potter is apparently a Wizard who has this deadly fate intertwined with a dangerous Wizard who should not be named. But the fact is that this Harry character is important to society or whatever. He's kind of like a symbol of hope. I don't really get it. I guess it's a British thing. The train suddenly lurched forward, throwing me into the compartment door, then it chugged to a stop. Draco got up to open the compartment door. He waited a while, then saw Luna and motioned for her to come over. He whispered something to her and then turned around once to wave to me before slipping out into the sea of students trying to get off the train. I knew better than to ask Luna what that was about, I'd figure it out on my own. I suddenly felt more concerned about this school now that we're actually getting off the train and going there. Just like when we were little, I grabbed Luna's arm so I wouldn't lose her. She guided me through the sea of student. They were of all ages. We saw what I soon learned are called 'perfects', as well as some other faces I recognized. I noticed the red head boy as well as a boy with shaggy black hair and round glasses -I assumed that was Potter.
"Settle down children", a booming voice makes its way through the masses of Wizarding students, "let's try to get off the train in an orderly fashion please." I jump up a little to see where this voice came from. I didn't see much, but I caught a glimpse of someone with a curly brown beard. This must have been Mr. Hagrid.

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