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⌠A P R I L   1 1⌡

(This happened about 2 times now and it will happen in the 3rd time in the upcoming comeback)

« O R I G I N A L T I M E L I N E & T H E 1 S T T I M E J I N T I M E T R A V E L L E D »

I Need U→Prologue

↳Namjoon worked at a gas station and people would throw garbage at him to pay or even curse at him or even throw the money on the ground. He got into a fight that night.

↳Jungkook got up to the construction site and he said this "No one would be sad if I was gone anyways" and he didn't die yet here btw.

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↳Namjoon knew something was off about Taehyung because he saw how terrified he was. Taehyung told the boys that he had a nightmare of Yoongi dying and Jungkook getting into a car accident.

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↳Yoongi started a fire in both I Need U and Euphoria but let us focus on I Need U. He started a fire but he is actually still alive.

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↳Jimin always wants to go to this place called flowering arboretum,arboretum is a botanical garden. He wanted to stop hiding in the hospital and stop having seizures and he had to go to that place. He was waiting for a bus and Yoongi sat beside him after 3 buses went by. The bus stopped and the doors opened and Jimin said, "Hyung do you want to come with me?"

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↳Taehyung actually didn't kill his father this time but he wanted to die he felt like he killed his father so many times. He stabbed his father by breaking a liquor bottle.

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↳They all went to the sea together. Namjoon went to the gas station where he will work in the future [ ;) ] or where he is currently working. Taehyung decided to jump off of the scaffolding and somehow Taehyung stopped in the air and Jin stared at the sudden stop. Then the next morning,Jin woke up [mAybE i Can nevEr FLy u knO] and it was April 11 again.

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« 2 N D T I M E  J I N  T I M E  T R A V E L L E D »


↺He repeats things again↺

↳Before in Prologue,Jin wasn't there to save him from all of his struggles as a worker there but now in Euphoria he was there to save him and he picked up the money for Namjoon.

↳He went up the construction site again and this is what he did in Euphoria which is the current timeline and this actually happened twice now. Btw don't worry cause our Yoongi lil meow meow saved our Jungoo Bunny.

↳Yoongi started a fire in I Need U but now he started a fire again now it is in Euphoria luckily,Yoongi was saved by Jungkook this time. Before, Jungkook didn't save him.

↳(Taehyung didn't kill his father nor hurt is father because he was stopped by Hoseok.

↳When they all went to that sea together instead of Taehyung jumping off,Jin was the one who was on the scaffolding instead. And he felt very relieved. That day when Jin had died,Jungkook still got into a car accident.

↳Jimin went to the flowering arboretum again and Yoongi was there again.

↳Hoseok was chasing this woman in the hospital and Jimin caught up with Hoseok. He thinks that it was his mother but Jimin insisted that she wasn't and Jimin was right.

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