Crush❤️ is typing...Crush❤️:
Thanks for coming over
and keeping me company!!
And for staying up all night
with me.. !Loveofmylife:
Aww hahah
no need to thank me!
I love hanging out with
I love hanging out with
you as well!
But Jimin made it such a
big deal that we were up
all night so I just wanted to
let you know that I really
appreciated it!Loveofmylife:
Don't worry about it!
Jimin is just very protective!
He has helped me with a lot
and he knows my limits..Crush❤️:
Is there something I should
Cause you're very secretive
about certain things!
Like why you just disappeared
for a week..
And Jimin has also become very
You don't have to tell me if you
don't want to..
But it would help me understand!Loveofmylife:
I wish I could tell you but
I'm so scared you'll judge me..Crush❤️:
I would never judge you!Loveofmylife:
I'm just scared..Crush❤️:
Can I call you?
I need to tell you something..
It's important!
And I sadly can't meet up rn..Loveofmylife:
I guess so..