part two / calm before the storm

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When MJ woke up from her nap she felt better than she did previously, she did as she said she would to Peter and made herself a bowl of chicken noodles while the song "Keep On" by Kehlani was playing in the background on the radio. She picked up her phone that was on the counter top to check the time, it read 12:30pm, she decided to text Peter to see how the school trip was going,

hey loser, just woke up from a good ass nap. how's the trip going, did you guys do anything interesting? call me when you get some free time x

A few hours past, she had been sitting in the fire escape, reading a book that Peter gave her a while ago for her birthday and observing the busy streets of Queens. The breeze outside was smooth and blew her hair slightly as she took a sip from a mug full of chamomile tea. It was the calm before the storm.

She was in the middle of drawing in an old sketchpad when chaos struck. Two cars collided near her apartment, there was people down on the streets running in all different directions. She was confused, what was so bad down there other than a car crash? Then suddenly she felt a huge gust of wind hit her and blow a page out of her sketchpad. She stood up from the chair on the fire escape where she was sitting and then she saw a shadow being casted above her street. When she looked up she saw some sort of spaceship. She didn't know if that was the most accurate description of it but whatever it was it wasn't from Earth.

She ran inside almost instantly and dialled Peter's phone. It went to voicemail. She rang her mum who thankfully did pick up, she told MJ to stay inside and she would be home as soon as possible. So she did just that. She turned on the news to see a headline saying Tony Stark was missing. He heart dropped because she realised that Peter being Peter would've followed Tony in he was in trouble. Tony was his mentor after all. MJ got scared. Really scared. Tears began to surface as she tried to calm herself down but her mind kept turning to Peter. She had continued to call him and it kept going to voicemail so she called Ned. Her heart went from being dropped to shattered when the words "MJ, is Peter with you?" came through the phone.

the replay of the memories / peter parker x mjWhere stories live. Discover now