Chapter 1

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Cordilia found herself being scared awake by the blaring alarm clock. She shot up from her bed and frowned. Staring at her yellow polka dotted pajamas.

"I'm back?" Cordilia frowned as she hastily laid back down, sorting herself up mentally.

I died in the Otome game and now I am back... In the real world.

That's some crazy dream.

( ̄ー ̄)

My imagination really goes way over the top, enough to influence my dreams.

The date.... What's the date how long was I gone?

Cordilia, or rather, GoddessOfBlack89 and to keep it short let's call her J, sat up and grasp her phone, staring at the device she haven't seen and touched for a decade and a half. Pressing the power button. J was surprised to see the date, a day before she died from being pushed.

I see......

J opened her account in WATTPAD and scrolled on the news feed and notification. She almost gave her soul flew out in shock when she saw another book was published from her account in which she did not write.

"What in the world?" J asked as she quickly opened it and began reading.

"... Its... Its.... This is impossible!" J gasp, almost dropping her phone


A notification.

J opened her phone once more and clicked the new notification.

Her eyes widen in shock....

It says:

Would you like to go back?

[YES]? [NO]?

She did not know what to do....

'There really must be something wrong with how I opened the phone' J thought before she turned it off and opened it again. It's still the same

"Hackers these days really likes to fuck with people's devices even so early in the morning. Bro, I say, are you really that bored?" J sighed and rubbed her eyes, throwing her phone behind her as it landed on the bed, bouncing.

The poor phone, "....." 'I am innocent! Don't throw me around!'

J got up and got ready for the day.

If there is something you must know about J, is that she's a very absent-minded yet paranoid person. Quite contradicting, right?

Well, she was heading to the supermarket every morning for buy groceries.

You must be asking, "Why not by it on the afternoon the previous day?"

Well her answer would be, "Cause I just want to. Got a problem?"

Arrogant right?

Many people already openly tell that to her face but J was too busy to think of what to write on the chapters of her books to care.


Why does it seems like alot of vehicles are trying to kill me? That's the 4th motorcycle in the past 15 minutes.

Is there a conspiracy?

J plug on her ear buds and made sure she walked on the side. Although the sun had just risen in the horizon and its chilly, not many people have yet to wake up it seems but its quite odd seeing alot of vehicles in this early morning. It's still 5 for crying out loud!

After dodging the bicycle. J was finally convinced that some kind of pyscho is playing a sick joke on her.

J bought the things on the list and decided to board a tricycle hom. However... It 'miraculously' lost control of its breaks and they almost fell off the bridge if she had not jump off with the driver and rolled on the ground. J almost got scared out of her wits when a van zommed passed her, narrowly missing her head by a few inches.

J almost cough up a mouthful of blood.


J have to swallow her anger as she walked home extra cautious.

She treasures life thank you very much. She's not planning to die yet, okay? ('へ'*)ノ

J was absentminded for the whole day. Did not even listening to the teacher discussing about who knows what.

She was busy planning how to get home without being run over by Uncle Bus, Aunt Truck, Sister Motorcycle, or Cousin Tricycle.

And so, when the last bell rang signifying that it's class is dismissed for the day.

J step out of the classroom and into the hallway and could not help but facepalmed.

And because the school allowed kids to bring their vehicle to school, with or without license, yes, the police and patrollers around her town was just that lazy to chase youngsters around.

And so this brnmings us to this situation. A willful student using a motorcycle in the hallway. J slowly inched back when the motorcycle coincidentally slepped and fell towards her.

Already knowing this would happen, J dodged to the side.


Even inside the campus?

Just who is this shameless Deity that wanted to kill her? Her ideas are so new and refreshing *sarcastic*

J sighed and made a detour toward sthe gate. Since the road is being fixed by the school, obviously there would be workers and lots of huge trucks to bring gravel and stones would occasionally pass by.

"......" 'I got a bad feeling about this'

J stared blankly as the wheel of the moving truck fell off and headintowards here with the uncontrolled truck heading to her direction.

'I. Fucking. Called. It!'

J can only sighed and winced in pain when the wheel slammed her to the ground.

'Please... Before I die.... Cna you please tell me how I offended you? (╥_╥) at the very leart give me a good excuse!' J thought before she fell into the darkness.

Sequel: The Villainess Wants to RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now